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Re: new bug fix release of prtraceroute

The -g flag stopped working with these new fixes. Hence a fast kludge

[lovefm-tony-59] diff prtraceroute.pl prtraceroute.pl~
< #          die "quad2int: illegal ip number \'$quad\'\n";
<          return -1;
>           die "quad2int: illegal ip number \'$quad\'\n";

Basically quad2int should not die if passed a string which is what it
does here. There is probably a more elegent way of acheiving what I
think you were actually looking for in the code than what I did but
this will do the trick.


 David.Kessens@localhost writes:
  * Hi all,
  * After getting tired of the requests why prtraceroute didn't do what people
  * hoped it should do, I fixed some of the bugs... (and found some new ones).
  * It's highly recommended to upgrade since this release also does a better
  * job in skipping funny modern objects that caused the impression that the
  * whole Internet was in AS1800... and yes the software runs with perl5 now.
  * The code is available from:
  * ftp://ftp.ripe.net/pride/tools/prtraceroute-2.0beta4.tar.gz
  * If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me agai
  * n,
  * Kind regards,
  * David Kessens
  * ----
  * New in 2.0 BETA 4
  * 1.      new quad2int routine due to perl5 problems with bit shifts and
  *         some other minor perl5 fixes
  *         This version is supposed to work with perl5 now
  *         Note that the other PRIDE tools don't!!!!
  * 2.      removed hardcoded SOCKSTREAM (for Solaris) and port value
  * 3.      The tool skips now route objects with origin=AS0
  * 4.      The tool skips now route objects with prefix 'x.x.x.x/0-5'
  * 5.      The inet-rtr lookup works again (did nobody notice that the
  *         RIPE whois server doesn't support use of two '-T' options...)
  * 6.      More robust code for interfacing with different versions of
  *         traceroute. Note that more robust doesn't mean good code,
  *         there is still some work left...
  * 7.      The AS macro expansion didn't work with AS lists that contained
  *         other AS macros
  * 8.      The policy evaluator had a bug which has been worked around.
  * ------

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