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More on PRIDE course.


Following a good response to my initial questionnaire. The following date
has been selected:

	Tuesday 31st May 09:30 - 17:00

Apologies if this does not suit. The current list of people have expressed an
interest in attending the initial course:

Erik-Jan Bos           SURFnet bv
Tim Streater           DANTE
Miguel A. Sanz         RedIRIS/CSIC
Georg Chytil           EUnet Austria
Christophe Huygens     Katholieke Uni Leuven
Annie Renard           INRIA
Denise Heagerty        CERN
Ewald Jenisch          Vienna University
Seosamh mac Carthaigh  HEAnet
Ad Bresser             EMPB
Willi Huber            SWITCH
Jarmo Oksanen          DataNet
Jeroen Houttuin        RARE
Antonio Blasco Bonito  CNUCE
Damir Pobric           CNUCE

Find below an outline syllabus of what the course will contain. All
documentation and course material will be made available on the day of the
course as well as electronically. 

Please send an RSVP to pride@localhost if you will attend.

The course itself will include lunch and will be free. This of course does not
include travel ;-).

The course will take place:

	Date:  31st May, 1994

        Venue: NIKHEF-H
               Kruislaan 409
               1098 SJ Amsterdam 
               The Netherlands

	          Overview of Pride Course Syllabus

	The course is intended to give Internet service providers 
the following benefits:

 o Gain a better understanding of routing policy techniques.

 o Understanding of the concept of a Routing Registry.

 o Learn how to use/maintain routing policy information in the routing

 o Learn how to use the PRIDE tools to diagnose and check routing policy 

 o Give Service Providers a chance to feedback ideas on the routing registry
   and the tools that are needed now and in the future.

The actual content will be divided into the following sections.

1. Introduction to basics of routing policy.

This will introduce the basic terminology and concepts used in IP routing.
It gives a detailed overview of what IP routing policy is and what can and
can't be done with IP policy based routing. 

2. Concepts of the Routing Registry

Understand the basic principles behind a routing registry and how this fits
together with other registries such as the allocation registry.

3.  The RIPE Routing Registry.

This is a general introduction to the RIPE database with the emphasis on the
routing policy representation (ripe-81) and how this information can be
accessed, maintained and kept consistent.

4. Using the Registry and the PRIDE tools

Discusses the PRIDE tools and their interaction with the
Routing Registry. Shows how the PRIDE tools are of use and asks how they can be
improved and what you need in the future.

5. Future developments of policy based routing.

Throughout the course there will be ample chance for feedback and
discussion with an emphasis for you to tell us how we can improve ;-).

The Pride Course is based on the current (ripe-81) routing registry and 
PRIDE tools. However, if by the time of the course the definition of the 
new (i.e ripe-81++) routing registry has been sufficiently progressed then 
ample time will be spent discussing the foreseen changes.

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