Re: Proposal for two minor improvements in prtraceroute
- Date: Thu, 06 Jan 1994 16:31:18 +0100
"Peder Chr. Norgaard" pcn@localhost writes:
* Hi,
* I have been using the prtraceroute tool (1.0.1 version) on large scale
* for the first time, to verify routing through EuropaNET, and I have a reque
* st
* for correction of an error and a request for improvement of readability of
* output. The tool is extremely useful as it is, but as the changes looks qu
* ite
* easy to make I try anyway ...
* This run shows what I mean:
* ======================================================================
* unix prompt# prtraceroute -v
* traceroute with AS and policy additions [Jan 6 13:48:40 UTC]
* from AS2043 (
* to AS2043 (,
* ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* 1 AS2043 ( [I]
* 2 AS2043 ( [I]
* 3 AS2043 ( [I]
* 4 AS1128 ( [D1]
* AS Path followed: 2043 1128
* AS2043 = European Multiprotocol Backbone
* AS1128 = DANTE Gateway in Amsterdam
* ======================================================================
* At first marking above the value should be AS1128, as specified by an
* ias-int field in the database entry. The prtraceroute program
* discovers that correctly in line 4 below; it would be nice if it was shown
* correctly in the header line too.
Well it does in my version ????
traceroute with AS and policy additions [Jan 6 15:08:55 UTC]
from AS1104 (
to AS1128 (
1 AS1104 ( [I]
2 AS1103 ( [D1]
3 AS1103 ( [I]
4 AS2043 ( [ERROR]
5 AS2043 ( [I]
6 AS1128 ( [?]
AS Path followed: 1104 1103 2043 1128
AS1103 = SURFnet IP
AS2043 = European Multiprotocol Backbone
AS1128 = DANTE Gateway in Amsterdam
So this is a mystery - can you mail to pride-tools@localhost a copy of
your prtraceroute ?
Also, just in case there was some confusion I have remade the 1.0.1
distribution which may mean you get a newer prtraceroute as well.
* At second marking above I would like to have the DNS name, again
* as is found in line 4 below. I cannot specify the DNS name in the argument
* to prtraceroute, as I very often will do prtraceroute to destinations
* where one DNS name covers several IP addresses, and I have to control
* which IP address to go for. Also, even when the prtraceroute destination
* is finally reached (as in the case above) it is by no means certain that
* the destination reply with the same IP address as the one I used for
* argument.
* Please note, that I really want the line to read:
* to AS1128 (,
* even if it looks a bit awkward. The much nicer
* to AS1128 (
* would be worse than now, because the reader of that text could be lead to
* believe that the original call was
* unix prompt# prtraceroute -v
* which is not the case.
* Thank you in advance for considering these improvements.
Well not really - the address is chosen implicitly by the user (i.e
the IP address typed in or slected by DNS as you typed a hostname and
that IP address being traced to will always be shown).
* best regards
* Peder Chr. Norgaard, Telebit Communications A/S, Denmark.