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Re: Summary of discussion

At 16:58 05.05.2003 +0200, leo vegoda wrote:
>Further to my last mail, I have received an update for the summary.
>I have amended it below. I would like to send this to
>lir-wg@localhost at lunchtime tomorrow, if there is agreement. That
>would give those not attending the RIPE meeting an opportunity to
>read and comment in advance of any meatspace discussion.
>The discussion started with a provocative statement that the concept of 
>PI address space is broken. It was also noted that the current policy 
>requires assignment of space that may not be globally routeable as the 
>prefix length will be filtered. This space may be suitable for networks 
>that do not need to be globally routed but can be inconvenient for 
>There was support for the continued availability of PI address space to 
>End Users - and a recognition that IXPs and root DNS servers do require 
>PI address space. Nonetheless, there were worries that liberalising the 
>policy by having a minimum prefix length for PI assignments could result 
>in an increase in the number of requests for PI address space and a 
>consequent increase in the size of the IPv4 DFZ. One particular
>concern was that those not qualifying for a /24 of PA may would
>request a /24 of PI, instead.
>Finally, it was noted that if the policy for assigning PI address space 
>is changed the usage hurdle for new LIRs to receive a first allocation 
>should be reviewed, too.
>No consensus for a recommendation to change the existing policy was 
>leo vegoda
>Registration Services

Andre Chapuis
IP+ Engineering
Swisscom Ltd
Genfergasse 14
3050 Bern
+41 31 893 89 61
CCIE #6023

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