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Re: Getting PI ips!

Dear LIR staff,

> One of our  customer have requested  the 8  classes  of  IPV4  with  PI
> assignnment  status.I studied  all  related  documents about  this
> status kind and  would  like to know  if  any  payment need ,how  many
> and  how to  pay it?(to  whome   how ?)

The assignment of PI address space is part of the service that the RIPE
NCC provides to its members. This means that there are no extra costs
involved in getting PI address ranges for your customers.

> Also  some  imposibilities  for this kind  of  staus  are  availble,Our
> customer  intrest to  use  Digital libraries  and      database and
> announce  to  other  service  providers
>  for  research  center,weather  they  accross  with  any  problem?

It is difficult (and not our role) to judge if PI address space is the
best solution for your customer, anyway here are a few points to be aware

 - Assignments of address space are valid as long as the criteria for
   the original assignment are still met, independently of the use of a
   particular provider's services.

   (This means that if the customer leaves you they can bring the address
   space with them)

 - Assignment of address space does NOT imply that this address space will

 - The policy does not allow sub-assignments of address space from
   "ASSIGNED PI" blocks.
n.b. If they are providing connectivity to their customers via this address
space, then this is not an assignment to them, since you are using the
adresses to provide connectivity. The policy allows up to a /30 for this

> how the  proceeds  of  getting  this kind  of  IPs from  RIPE NCC?do 
> you advice  to  use  this  kind  of  status.
> Please  lead  us.

In order to get PI address space from the RIPE NCC you need to fill in a 
"European IP Address Space Request Form" as you do for PA assignment
requests, the only differences are the following points:

 - 1) In the #[REQUEST OVERVIEW TEMPLATE]# enter "YES" at the the
      question "PI-requested:"; 

 - 2) Once you have sent the request to hostmaster@localhost you will
      receive an automatic reply from the hm-robot, containing 3
      questions (see below). Once you have answered the 3 questions we
      will evaluate your request as usual.

If your customer will need to assign address space to their customers, or
they will expand their activities in the future, they could think about
becoming a LIR.

For more information about PI address space please see following URLs:

IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies in the RIPE NCC Service
5.1.6 Provider Independent vs. Provider Aggregatable Address Space

Provider Independent versus Provider Aggregatable Address Space 

If you have any further question don't hesitate to contact us within
ticket NCC#2003084506.

Kind regards,

Andrea Cima


Hm-robot questions:

1. Why is PI space required rather than PA space?

    -  If PI is requested for multi-homing please explain why the
    second provider cannot route PA space as a more specific  
    route(with the PA block holder adding a more specific route 

    - The same policies apply to PI space as PA. Administrative ease
    and/or routing are not reasons for PI. Please read the information
    about PA/PI from the RIPE Document, IPv4 Address Allocation and
    Assignment Policies in the RIPE NCC Service Region, Sections 5.1.5
    and 5.1.6:


    - Also to bear in mind :

        The RIPE NCC will not allocate PI.

        Future assignments of PI space are unlikely to be contiguous
        with the addresses assigned for this request.

        The RIPE NCC cannot guarantee the routability of any address
        space it issues.

    - If you will have end-users with their own networks, PA space
    should be assigned by an LIR.
2. Please check you are not requesting for extra address space for
   routing or administrative reasons. See Section 5.2 "Assignment
   Guidelines", of the IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies
   in the RIPE NCC Service Region,

         "As conservation and aggregation are often conflicting goals,
         each address request needs to be evaluated carefully in order
         to assign the amount of address space fulfilling these goals
         in the best way possible. Implications for both conservation
         and aggregation have to be evaluated before an assignment is
         made. For example, if the assignment of the exact number of
         addresses required creates a large number of prefixes, it
         might be better to assign one single prefix. In other cases,
         multiple prefixes might have to be "announced" if the
         assignment of one single prefix would leave too many
         addresses unused."
3. Please confirm whether you have made the end-user aware of the
   warning given in "Provider Independent vs Provider Aggregatable
   Address Space", Section 3, "Detailed Recommendations":

      Assignment of this address space is valid as  long  as  the
      criteria for the original assignment are still met. However, 
      assignment of address space does NOT imply that this address
      space will be ROUTABLE ON ANY PART OF THE INTERNET. It is 
      expected that users will have to pay a premium for actual  
      routing of PI addresses as opposed to PA addresses. It may 
      eventually become impossible to get relatively small amounts 
      of PI space routed on most of the Internet. We strongly suggest
      you contact any prospective service provider for information
      about the possibility and pricing of service when using PI 

You are required to confirm that the points mentioned above  have
been  read and confirmed and that your customer requesting the PI
Address Space is fully aware of the disadvantages  with  Provider

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