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Re: PI & 1st allocation policy


On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 09:29:47AM +0200, Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:


> So, you say we remove the 25% requirement? I am not against this, 
> actually I think it's good. 

I think that there is less value in a barrier to entry if the
minimum initial allocation size is smaller. I doubt the overhead
of checking that each requester meets the 25% barrier would be 
equal to the value of the work.

> However, if we are to implement 3. I think 
> we need an exception rule like APNIC have, that the NCC can give out 
> routable /24s for important infrastructure (read root-servers).

I can see the value in a policy for root DNS servers. However, all
three root servers operating in our region have address space.

> > ASN assignments: 599
> > Allocation:      377
> > PI Assignments:  408
> 100 ASNs a month, that is quite a lot. Do you have any data on how many 
> of those received initial allocations as well?

I don't have those stats to hand. However, I can give you details of
the numbers of /20s allocated per month for the same period:

    200301          7
    200302         20
    200303         14
    200304         16
    200305         35
    200306         24
    200307          7

I hope that's useful.


leo vegoda
Registration Services Manager

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