[peqi-hackathon-orga] URGENT: List(s) of participants
Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Fri Nov 1 15:00:02 CET 2019
Hi everyone, I'm going to have to ask for your help, in preparing the list of participants. Can someone volunteer to do this task? Format: plain text, in PDF file type. Place of publication: either GitHub or Slack. This is how far I've got: - I collected the ones that are on Trello - I don't have the most recent ones - from Geneva I have no data at all Below is the list as-it-is. Please take over. Thanks, Vesna ==== PEQI Hackathon list of participants, as of 1st November Delft: Bram Dobbelaar charhenmal at gmail.com Tijmen Kroezen tskroezen at gmail.com Constantine Demetriou cons.dm at protonmail.com Bharath Muppa bharathmuppa at gmail.com Daniel Karrenberg dfk at ripe.net Bruno Rijsman brunorijsman at hotmail.com Mehmet Mert Bese mehmetmert.bese at gmail.com Piotr Rydlichowski prydlich at man.poznan.pl Bart van der Vecht bartvdv at outlook.com Ravisankar A V R.AshokKumarVattekkat at student.tudelft.nl Daniel Kotik daniel.kotik at freenet.de Cenk Tüysüz cenktuysuz at gmail.com Jannes Stubbemann jannes.stubbemann at gmail.com Andrii Leus andrii.leus at protonmail.com Yvo Keuter yvo.keuter at visma.com Anna Moskova anna at aconit.nl Organisers: - Stephanie Wehner, TU Delft, (S.D.C.Wehner at tudelft.nl) - Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC, (BECHA at ripe.net) - Axel Dahlberg, TU Delft (E.A.Dahlberg at tudelft.nl) - Matthew Skrzypczyk (QChat), TU Delft (M.D.Skrzypczyk at student.tudelft.nl) - Wojciech Kozlowski, TU Delft (kozlowski at tudelft.nl) - Marc Boonstra (m.h.boonstra at tudelft.nl) coordination - Vesna Manojlovic (BECHA at ripe.net) Dublin: Participants Hayk Khachatryan kh.ha.hayk at gmail.com Jerry Horgan jhorgan at tssg.org Kostiantyn Dieiev kostic at dinet.co Hazel Murray hazel.murray at mu.ie Joao Santos facocalj at tcd.ie Ayush Bhardwaj aybhardw at tcd.ie Organisers Harun Siljak harun.siljak at tcd.ie Alessandro Chiumento chiumena at tcd.ie Padua: Costantino Agnesi costantino.agnesi at gmail.com Giulio Vittorio Carassai giuliovittorio.carassai at studenti.unipd.it Mujtaba Zahidy mujtaba.zahidy at studenti.unipd.it Alessandro Marcomini alessandro.marcomini.1 at studenti.unipd.it andrea andrea.chinello94 at gmail.com Bortolozzo Edoardo edoardobortolozzo at gmail.com Marco Avesani marco.avesani at phd.unipd.it Simone Ragusa simone99.as at gmail.com Riccardo Costantini Rielco.00 at gmail.com Martino Trapanotto m.trapanotto at gmail.com Calderaro Luca calderaroluca at gmail.com Francesco Vedovato vedovatofr at dei.unipd.it Andrea Stanco andrea.stanco at unipd.it Giulio Foletto foletto at dei.unipd.it Hamid Tebyanian hamid.tebyanian at studenti.unipd.it Francesco Picciariello francesco.picciariello at phd.unipd.it Francesco Santagiustina francesco.santagiustina at gmail.com federico berra federico.berra at studenti.unipd.it Paris: Audrey Boixel, aboixel at gmail.com, xx Hop DINH, hoptuyen2010 at gmail.com, VeriQloud Castagnet Cyril, cyril.castagnet at lip6.fr, lip6 cnrs Gozde USTUN, ustungozde at gmail.com, CNRS-LIP6 and Paris Diderot University Alisa Russanova, Alisa.Russanova at lip6.fr, Sorbonne Universite Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, emeriau.pe at gmail.com, LIP6 Sorbonne Université Jean-Gabriel Boinot, jg at quantonation.com, Quantonation Alain Chancé, alain.chance at quantalain.com, QUANTALAIN SASU Witold Wroblewski, witoldwrob at gmail.com, Self Employed Federico Centrone, fe.centrone at gmail.com, LIP6, IRIF Atul Mantri, amantri at ed.ac.uk, The University of Edinburgh Haythem Mannai, hmannai at outlook.fr, PwC Filippo Vicentini, filippo.vicentini at univ-paris-diderot.fr, Université de Paris, Laboratoire MPQ Daniel Mills, daniel.mills at ed.ac.uk, The University of Edinburgh Antoine Sinton, asinton at gmail.com, / Francesco Arzani, fra.arzani at gmail.com, LORIA Nancy, LIP6 Paris Frédéric Grosshans, frederic.grosshans at gmail.com, CNRS Niraj Kumar, nirajhariom at gmail.com, University of Edinburgh Elham Kashefi, ekashefi at gmail.com, CNRS Dominik Leichtle, dominik.leichtle at web.de, Lip6, Sorbonne Université Brian Coyle, brian.coyle at ed.ac.uk, University of Edinburgh Elham Kashefi, ekashefi at gmail.com, CNRS, LIP6 Raja Yehia, raja.yehia at lip6.fr, LIP6 François-Marie Le Régent, fm.le.regent at gmail.com, École Polytechnique Peter Limacher, peter.limacher at sap.com, SAP SE Skander Kazdaghli, skander.kazdaghli at gmail.com, CentraleSupélec ChinTe LIAO, liao.chinte at gmail.com, VeriQloud sivasothy shanmugalingam, sothy.e98 at gmail.com, freelance Anne Marin, marin at veriqloud.fr, VeriQloud Yao MA, yao.ma at veriqloud.fr, Veriqloud Georg Harder, harder at veriqloud.fr, Veriqloud Marc Kaplan, kaplan at veriqloud.com, VeriQloud Rhea Parekh, rheaparekh12 at gmail.com, Lip6 CNRS, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Harold, harold.ollivier at linksights.io, LIP6 Trevor Oakley, trevoroakley200 at gmail.com, Blockget Michel Nowak, michel.nowak at prevision.io, prevision.io nicolas gaude, nicolas.gaude at prevision.io, prevision.io Yann ALLAIN, yann at nextgenq.com, NextGenQ Amar MOUFFOK, amar.mouffok at orange.fr, DSIT Ulka Athale, uathale at ripe.net, RIPE NCC Sarajevo: Lamija Lemeš,lamija.lemes at gmail.com Merjema Šetić,setic.merjema at gmail.com Almedina Kerla,kerlaalmedina at gmail.com Edin Ibragic,eibragic1 at etf.unsa.ba Haris Tarahija,htarahija1 at etf.unsa.ba Benjamin Džanko,bdzanko1 at gmail.com Emir Dervišević,emir_ksb at hotmail.com Miralem Mehic,miralem at mehic.info