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[opensource-wg] Open Source WG - Call for Co-Chairs Nomination
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Martin Winter
mwinter at
Fri Aug 10 15:39:37 CEST 2018
It’s 2 month before our annual Fall meeting - which means it’s time for nominations to become a new co-chair of the WG. Please send your nominations within the next 14 days to the WG chairs: opensource-wg-chairs at Deadline for nomination: Sunday, Aug 26 23:59 UTC Both of the existing chairs are willing to continue. If there are no nominations, then there will be no change. Details on Chair Selection Policy: In short: If there are NO nominations, then the existing chairs will continue. If there are nominations, then the existing chairs will have a discussion with the candidates to see if we can come to an agreement (i.e. expand to 3 chairs, replace one of us etc). If there is no agreement between all the existing chairs and the new nominations until 14 days before RIPE, then there will be a vote during the RIPE meeting. Regards, Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip Open Source WG Chairs
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