[OpenIPMap] A long-overdue update on the status of openipmap

Sebastian Pesman sebastian.pesman at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 11:33:30 CEST 2014


Having done a few traceroute reviews myself; I like the indicator arrow of
the route direction. Still missing an option to make a comment as some PTR
records are very clear but very wrong, thus I suspect that some routers are
incorrectly corrected. For now I clear them if it's not possible due to
latency / distance but in another route this might not be that obvious and
someone could correct it just on ptr record name.

If something is build that takes the distance between locations into
consideration it should use the lowest ICMP replies from both hops to
calculate if this would be possible.

Also if a hop is within a milisecond from the previous one, it should
suggest the same city instead of something name based. What should I do
now? Give a MSM id or add a screenshot? Ok
MSM id (can't copy it that easy > suggestion.....)  msm:1769731 prb:13843

Screenshot here / attached

Point is, within developing this it's often about the data and routes, less
about the visual represenation. A way to link directly to the data of the
traceroute would be helpfull to discuss situations where indentifying
locations is very wrong or could be better. In case of this screenshot hop
9 should be suggested as Vienna Austria instead of Suzhou in China.

Love the project!

Best regards,

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Emile Aben <emile.aben at ripe.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> <pok>,<pok> ... is this mic still on?
> First of all, my apologies for lack of updates on openipmap.
> I was asked to prioritise making the openipmap software publicly
> available. That and other tasks took a bit more wallclock time than
> expected, so not all features I had hoped to have available by RIPE69
> will be there
> :(
> Currently the openipmap code lives here:
> https://github.com/emileaben/django-openipmap
> (django, because the prototype is based on
> https://www.djangoproject.com/ )
> Because it's non-trivial to get that installed and working, I created a
> provisioning mechanism that should alleviate that (based on VirtualBox,
> Vagrant and Ansible), so folks who want to develop on openipmap can
> install an instance in a virtual machine. That code lives here:
> https://github.com/emileaben/openipmap-provision
> The URL for openipmap has changed to:
> https://marmot.ripe.net/openipmap/
> and uses the codebase that is on git.
> To test developing with this in place, I added a couple of requested
> features to the traceroute-map:
> ## Permalink features
> Ability to specify RIPE Atlas measurement_ids in query-url, example:
> https://marmot.ripe.net/openipmap/tracemap?msm_ids=1767380
> Or multiple msm_ids:
> https://marmot.ripe.net/openipmap/tracemap?msm_ids=1767381_1767380
> (ie. separated by '_')
> (these are examples of probes in IE, tracing to a dest in IE)
> ## Turn suggestions (red dots) off in map:
> Sometimes the red dots (ie. suggestions by the system itself) are just
> way off and annoying. Since we now have sufficient baseline crowdsourced
> data, turning these suggestions off on the map actually allows for
> pretty decent traceroute geoloc already (thanks to all who have
> contributed this far!). So I added a 'show_suggestions=0' option to turn
> these 'red dots' off:
> https://marmot.ripe.net/openipmap/tracemap?msm_ids=1767381_1767380&show_suggestions=0
> ## Click on source
> Click on a source (RIPE Atlas probe) will pop-up traceroute(s) of that
> probe if there are any.
> I'll do a short status update at the upcoming RIPE meeting
> (https://ripe69.ripe.net) in the mat-wg.
> The next thing I'd like to work on with this is supporting better bulk
> import of data. Having had contact with the IXmaps and CAIDA teams
> that are also doing related work, I'm hoping to make it be possible to
> do more/better bulk input, without significantly lowering data accuracy.
> Please let us know what you think of these features when you try them out.
> cheers,
> Emile
> Version: GnuPG v1
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> owfAY817FbLyAAPvf8SX
> =hgsL
> _______________________________________________
> OpenIPMap mailing list
> OpenIPMap at ripe.net
> https://www.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/openipmap
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