[OpenIPMap] Bringing CAIDA's geoloc efforts into the fold

Sebastian Pesman sebastian.pesman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 13:41:07 CEST 2014

Agreed upon a comment section, maybe with a historical view such as
wikipedia and also add the source probe location (city/country) to the
tracelist, so it's faster to see if the second hop is realistic (waiting
for the max distance radius based on latency).

I did a few entries in the OpenIPmap, which resulted in some wonderfull
screenshots. I think there is a decent start now as most of the routes I
now see are 80% completely resolved. Baring in mind that the atlas probes
are limited in some parts of the world.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Daniel Karrenberg <
daniel.karrenberg at ripe.net> wrote:

> On 18.06.14 12:07 , Robert Kisteleki wrote:
> >
> >
> > In this particular case, it'd be really good if you could tag this
> "name" as
> > being wherever it really is. It may be even better to have a means of
> adding
> > a comment (like "DNS name looks like X but it's wrong, it's really Y"). I
> > consider that optional.
> >
> I agree. Rather than a separate list we could record this as a special
> tag. I propose to add 'name error' and 'comment' to the OpenIPMap schema
> in addition to what we have now.
> Daniel
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