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[ncc-services-wg] Active Measurements Network - Call for Sponsors
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] Call For Agenda Items RIPE 61
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Mirjam Kuehne
mir at
Mon Oct 11 09:37:18 CEST 2010
[Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear colleagues, The next article in the Active Measurements series has been published on RIPE Labs: Wanted: Partners to Sponsor "RIPE Atlas" Effort It describes sponsorship benefits, but also some more details about the measurement network, including a time line. Please also note the three related articles published earlier: - Active Measurements Need More Vantage Points - Active Measurements - A Small Probe - Active Measurements - Hosting a Probe Kind Regards, Mirjam Kuehne
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] Call For Agenda Items RIPE 61
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] Mandatory maintainer on PERSON and ROLE objects
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