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[ncc-services-wg] [ncc-announce] LIR Portal outage
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] DNS provisioning system maintenance, 8th Aug
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] [ncc-announce] LIR Portal software upgrade
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Trudy Prins
trudy at
Thu Aug 2 17:32:49 CEST 2007
Dear Colleagues, Due to an unforeseen problem, the LIR Portal was unavailable for approximately one hour this afternoon, between 14:30 and 15:30 (UTC). The issue has now been resolved and the LIR Portal is again accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience. If you have any questions please send an e-mail to <trudy at>. Regards, Trudy Prins Business Applications Manager, RIPE NCC
- Previous message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] DNS provisioning system maintenance, 8th Aug
- Next message (by thread): [ncc-services-wg] [ncc-announce] LIR Portal software upgrade
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