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[ncc-services-wg] Improved Secure Communication for Registration Services (RS) Mailboxes
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Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
woeber at
Wed Feb 25 18:49:44 CET 2004
Hi Shane! >Ignoring the "PGP versus X.509" question, does the membership want us to >support signed e-mail at all? What about encrypted e-mail? Of course I cannot speak for the membership, I can only do so for our LIR: Yes, signed email communication should be supported. In particular with the current situation that "from" and "to" lines are just "random text" in a "subset" of messages being sent on the net these days ;-) I think that encryption almost comes for free when we've got signatures, and should be offered as well, _but not be required_. >- -- >Shane Kerr >RIPE NCC Wilfried (at.aconet)
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