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[ncc-nairobi04] RIPE NCC Regional Meeting Nairobi - Follow-up

[Apologies for duplicate messages]

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to thank everyone involved in the RIPE NCC
Regional Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.  The event was very successful
and feedback from attendees has been positive. The meeting
has given us a much clearer impression of the IP networking
issues specific to our members in the region.

We would especially like to thank KENIC for hosting this meeting
and whose support made the meeting so successful.  We would also
like to thank the following sponsors: KDN for providing the local
loop connection to the meeting venue, Swift Global for providing
the wireless connectivity and Adwest for providing access points.
For further information on our hosts and sponsors, please see:

To enable the discussions started at the regional meeting in
Nairobi to continue, the RIPE NCC has set up a mailing list for

Please send your comments to the mailing list at:


All people who registered and attended the RIPE NCC Regional Meeting,
Nairobi, have automatically been subscribed to this mailing list.
To un-subscribe please use the following link:

The above link can also be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
Please forward this link to any colleagues who would be interested
in the topics covered in the list.  We expect the lifetime of the mailing
list to be approximately six months, after which time it will be closed.
The mailing list will be publicly archived and will be available at:

The RIPE NCC would like to thank those who presented at the meeting.
Local presentations give us a clearer understanding of specific regional
issues, enabling the RIPE NCC and the community to make better
informed decisions.

Presentations from the meeting can be found at:

If you have any comments on the presentations, tutorials or organisation
of the meeting, or if you would like to make any other suggestions,
please contact us at:


Kind regards,

Nathalie Dougall
Membership Liaison Officer

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