Re: [ncc-moscow04] Russian documents update (+translation)

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Jochem de Ruig wrote:

Thank you!

Документ, удостоверяющий местоположение RIPE NCC, выданный
налоговыми органами Нидерландов, будет выслан на адрес LIR
по запросу. Нужно обратиться по адресу billing@localhost
с просьбой выслать "proof of residency from the Dutch tax authorities"
по почте/факсу.


> Dear Larisa,
> To send a copy of the proof of residency from the Dutch tax authorities
> is possible. It will not be possible to send this document with the agreements
> as the agreements have already been send last week.
> Any registry that requires this document can send an e-mail to billing@localhost
> and we can fax or send a copy by postal mail.
> Kind regards,
> Jochem de Ruig
> At 05:10 PM 1/31/2005 +0300, Larisa A. Yurkina wrote:
> >On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Larisa A. Yurkina wrote:
> >
> >Dear Jochem,
> >
> >is it possible the RIPE NCC to send sertified confirmation that
> >the Netherlands is permanent residence of the RIPE NCC, please?
> >Together with the new agreement.
> >
> >We have to show the document to the local tax.
> >
> >Thank you.
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Уважаемый Jochem,
> >
> >могли бы Вы вместе с новым договосом выслать завесенный документ
> >о местонахождении RIPE NCC в Нидесландах. Этот документ необходим
> >для пседъявления в налоговую инспекцию.
> >
> >
> >With respect,
> >Larisa Yurkina
> >---
> >RIPN Registry center
> >-----