Re: [ncc-moscow04] RIPE NCC proposal for Russian registries

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Jochem de Ruig wrote:


> Dear colleagues,
> Already there have been good suggestions to improve the documents
> that were send to the mailing list.

спасибо за согласие принять наши предложения.

> Please make sure all your comments or issues are send the latest
> to the list by Wednesday 15 December. After this date I will finalise
> the documents and start preparations to send all the documents.
В счете (Invoice) есть поле "ИНН Плательщика" (Contributor's TAX ID Number).
В данное время в RIPE NCC наших номеров не знают, мы эту информацию не вводили
в данные о LIR.
Может быть, обойдемся без этого поля?

> Kind regards,
> Jochem de Ruig
> Chief Financial Officer

With respect,
Larisa Yurkina
RIPN Registry center