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Re: New RIPE NCC Structure

Dear Contributors,

 Paul Ridley <Paul.Ridley@localhost writes:
 * Dear Contributors,
 * Just a quick mail to keep you informed as to the progress with the new RIPE
 * NCC legal structure. 
 * Following the comments received on the mailing list and the valuable
 * verbal additions given at the RIPE meeting at Dublin, the de-facto
 * procedures document ripe-156 is being revised. This revision process is
 * almost finished but due to a combination in individual business trips
 * and holidays will not be able to be completed for another two weeks. You
 * can however expect a revised version of ripe-156 and a more detailed update
 * in the week beginning 7 July.

During the revision process it became apparent that a question mark
hung over the distribution of responsibility versus influence, of
Executive Board members, in regards to day-to-day NCC operational
decisions. This is of most importance when the decisions are 
regarding an individual ISP. The authors are the revised document
therefore, before they publish the revision, want to put various
options for that distribution for your comment. Which ever option
gains most consensus will go into the revised document.

These option will be posted on the ncc-co list in the beginning of 
next week.

For your information parallel to this revision draft Articles of
Association and new service contracts are being drawn up. Preliminary
dicussions are also happening with the Dutch tax authorities. All of
the parallel actions seem to be presently meeting success and when 
more concrete details are known you will be informed.


Paul Ridley 

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