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Re: SIRCE Funding Message

Tele2 commits to the funding at ECU 1,000.


At 13:23 05/11/96 +0100, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
>Dear Contributor,
>The RIPE NCC has proposed to execute a pilot project to provide Security
>Incident Response Coordination in Europe (SIRCE) starting in early 1997.
>In the past this has sometimes be called the Euro-CERT.  We made this
>proposal assuming that there is a need for such a service among the
>European ISPs, i.e. the current customers of the RIPE NCC.  Now that
>the proposal has been published as document ripe-150, we ask you to 
>examine it and to commit a financial contribution to the pilot in 1997.  
>The benefits for those contributing include:
>	- Preferred Service 
>	  Non-paying customers will only receive service if there is
>	  no outstanding work for paying customers.
>	- Influence
>	  Paying customers will determine the general direction,
>	  the policies and the services of SIRCE.
>	- Credit
>	  The level of your contribution will be publicly acknowledged.
>The minimum contribution is ECU 500 and there is no maximum.  
>As explained in the proposal we are looking for an average contribution
>around ECU 1000.  The contributions will be invoiced once the project
>has definitely started.  If the project is oversubscribed the amounts
>invoiced will be reduced pro rata.  Should there be insufficient
>commitments to fund the project, we will withdraw our proposal.  The
>deadline for contributions is November 27th 1996.  Until then we will
>regularly publish the commitments already made. 
>Please use the form below to make commitments and pass this message on
>to those who might be interested to participate.  Of course I will be
>happy to answer any questions you may have. 
>With thanks in advance for your support
>Daniel Karrenberg
>%FORM [sirce9601]
>I herby commit to contribute the ECU amount indicated to the 
>SIRCE pilot project as defined in ripe-150 and the documents
>it refers to. I confirm that I have authority to commit
>my organisation for this contribution. I expect to be invoiced
>for this contribution as soon as the project will have started.
>Please put information between the brackets.
>Please give your full name.
>%NAME [ ]
>Please give your position in the organisation.
>%POS [  ]
>Specify the registry ID of your organisation if it has one.
>%REGID [ ]
>If you have *not* specified a registry ID above, please give the
>full organisation name and billing address. We will contact
>you for more details if necessary.
>Committed amount in ECU. Minimum is ECU 500. Excludes VAT where applicable.
>%AMOUNT [ ]
>Any billing reference that you may wish to be mentioned on the invoice.

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