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New Structure for RIPE NCC

Dear Contributors,

This is the first of what I am sure will be many updates regarding the
process of formulating a new structure for the RIPE NCC. All comments
and suggestions that individual contributors may have are most welcome
and should be directed to Paul Ridley <paul.ridley@localhost.

The first meeting of the committee took place on 7th October 1996 at the
TERENA offices in Amsterdam. The meeting was puposefully low key and
only consisted on the following attendees: Paul Ridley (RIPE NCC) and
Karel Vietsch (TERENA).

The aim of the meeting was not to immediately make long reaching
decisions but to simply organise and coordinate the research aspect of
the project. Both of the attendees have specific tasks regarding the
collation of information from a variety of sources. It was concluded
however thar besides their own network of contacts another huge source
of information is within easy access. This source is namely all of you.
The committee would very much value input from all contributors.
Collectively you have a very large amount of experience in setting up
companies in an array of countries. The experience could greatly benefit
the RIPE NCC in making the right choice of legal form, that is
acceptable to all parties. Therefore if any contributor has suggestions
on who we should speak to, suggestions for a legal form, suggestions
against a legal form, tax advice, or any information/suggestions that is
thought to be of use then please send it to the committee.

You will all be kept informed of future developments via this list.

Regards, on behalf of the committee

Paul Ridley

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