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New Document available: ripe-141

New/Revised RIPE Document Announcement
A revised/new document is available from the RIPE document store.  

Ref:           ripe-141
Title:         European IP Address Space Request Form
Author:        P. Caslav, M. Kuehne, C. Orange
Date:          6 Sept 1996
Format:        TXT=5847 bytes
Obsoletes:     ripe-128, ripe-137, ripe-138 
Obsoleted by:  
Updated by:
See also:      ripe-140, ripe-142

Short content description

This announcement was originally sent to the RIPE List. We're now also
sending it to the RIPE NCC Contributors' Committee and the Local IR
list to make sure it reaches everyone necessary.

Ripe-141 is the current "European IP Address Space Request Form".  It
differs from its predecessor, ripe-137, in that it contains some
additional fields in the network template and the person templates to
make them easier to submitt to the database, and contains some minor
corrections. Because ripe-141 contains templates which will be sent by
e-mail, there is no postscript version of the document.  The
accompanying notes will appear in ripe-142.

FTP Access
All RIPE documents and Internet RFC`s are available via anonymous FTP
from host ftp.ripe.net.  Type "ftp ftp.ripe.net". 

Login with username "anonymous" supplying your email address as the 
password.  After logging in, type "cd ripe/docs/" followed 
by the command "get filename". 

The relevant filename for this document is:

	ripe-141.txt	for the ASCII version

Electronic Mail Retrieval of Documents
Documents can also be retrieved from the RIPE document store using a
mail server program.  For more information on how to use the program,
send email to: mail-server@localhost with "send HELP" in the body text. 

RIPE NCC Interactive Information Server
Type "telnet info.ripe.net".  This is a menu driven service allows
the document store to be browsed.  After reading documents you are
prompted as to whether you would like to receive an email copy of the
document you have just read.  If you would, you simply enter your email
address and the document will be mailed to you. 

Below are details of alternative methods of access.
Gopher Access
The same documents are available via a "gopher" server at
"gopher gopher.ripe.net".

WAIS Access
There is also a "WAIS" server at wais.ripe.net, where there is a WAIS index
for RIPE documents "ripe-docs.src" 

WWW Access
For those who wish to add this home page at the RIPE NCC to their own
customized home pages, it can be accessed as:

MIME Mail Reader
Below is the data which will enable a MIME compliant Mail Reader
implementation to automatically retrieve the RIPE document by
FTP or mail server.


<<< message/external-body; access-type="mail-server"; server="mail-server@localhost": Unrecognized >>>

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