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Re: Meeting, Charging & Documents

>>>Daniel Karrenberg <Daniel.Karrenberg@localhost said:
> We are going to propose three charging models, one of which will be 
> very similar to the current one.


NORDUnet would prefer to continue with a fixed charge like the Model 1 in 
the ripe-143 document, mainly for reasons of simplicity.

(I notice that the Model 1 rates seem to have been normalised such that the 
total bill to be paid by NORDUnet will be the unchanged in 1997, which was 
somewhat against my expectations.)

Finally, I think it is a waste of money to plan for tax payments in 1997 of 
443 KECU, and I would propose that RIPE NCC seeks professional advice on 
other ways of solving the problems the proposed reserves were meant to 
    Peter Villemoes   
    NORDUnet A/S,       Phone       +45 4576 2300
    Agern Alle 3,       Fax         +45 4576 5708
    DK 2970 Horsholm    Peter.Villemoes@localhost

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