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Domain Name Denial GARDNET.IT


My name is David Anderson. I am the CEO of IBEnet, an International ISP.

This is to inform you that we are having serious problems with GARR in Italy.
The first registration was attempted as "garda.it" ( garda is not a city, niether a county or state, it is not a registered trademark, nor protected in any way there is a lake in Italy called GARDA ).
The motivation for denying "garda.it" was:

that  it's possible for someone to eventually think that garda.it
represent the association of the cities around  the  Garda  lake.
The  funny  thing  is that this association doesn't exist yet, as
far as we know, and that in any case *they* should ask us not  to
register  the name, and not the GARR. Moreover, the GARR proposed
us to register garda.lombardia.it and use this domain.  Note that
"Lombardia" is the region which the Garda lake is on, and there's
no other Garda Lake in Italy. Now, if "garda.it" can  be  confus-
ing, I can't see how "garda.lombardia.it" can be not.

We attempted a second registration "gardanet.it" also denied, the motivation was:
no official denial.

Since this is not the first time we have a problem with GARR RE:"e-mail.it" attempted by Piero Serini owner of the trademark E-MAIL in both Italy and the U.S.A. we have already had some information regarding the policies of local Domain Name Space. 

Quoting from RIPE NCC Staff (Mon Aug 14 13:33:01 1995):

> To: Piero@localhost
> Cc: hostmaster@localhost
> Subject: Re: Serious problem w/ .IT registry (GARR) 
> In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 11 Aug 1995 18:49:45 MDT.
>              <199508111649.SAA29103@localhost 
> References: <199508111649.SAA29103@localhost 
> From: RIPE NCC Staff ncc@localhost
> X-Organization: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
> X-Phone: +31 20 592 5065
> X-Fax: +31 20 592 5090
> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 13:33:01 +0200
> Sender: ncc@localhost
> Dear Pierro Serini,
> Every Top-Level domain has (within a certain boundary) the rights to
> set their own policies. These policies have to be equally fair to
> everyone. That means they have the right not to give out the domain
> name e-mail.it, as long as they don't give it out to anyone else
> either.
> Kind regards,
> RIPE NCC staff.

Obviously the rules change according to the whims of GARR. It is also
obvious that GARR is neither impartial or fair since they are blatantly
favouring government or para-government organizations.

Please let me know what you think.

David Anderson


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