NCC Revenue Snapshot
- Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 15:36:19 +0200
I have been asked for details about the current state of NCC revenue,
in particular who pays how much by several members of this group.
In response here is today's snapshot of this in the format used earlier
this year. Please note that the Committed and Invoiced columns are
less and less comparable as we get more and more customers who are
only paying for part of this year.
If you have any questions or comments about this,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager
Below you find a summary of the current state of RIPE NCC Income for this
year. The table reflects the current state of affairs as stored in the
NCC registry (billing) database.
Since February 1st 1995 the Committed column determines the service
level a registry receives from the NCC:
Registries which have signed the agreement will be ser-
viced normally as long as they have no overdue invoices.
All other registries as well as individuals will be
served only as time permits and after all requests from
paying customers have been dealt with.
"Last Resort" registries are not listed. They still receive NORMAL service
for last resort requests. The future of last resort registries is currently
being discussed by RIPE and the NCC contributors committee.
NCC Sponsors are also not listed because they have not yet been added to
the billing database.
Registry - the European Internet Registry ID.
ServLvl - Current service level:
NORMAL - normal service
TIME-P - service as time permits
Commitd. - contributions confirmed by written commitment to TERENA.
For details on how to commit funding, see
Invoiced - sum of the amounts invoiced.
This reflects only invoices actually sent.
Invoiced amounts differ from commitments
due to such factors as payment schedules,
partial years, billing fees and signup fees.
These amounts do not include any VAT.
Paid - sum of payments received.
These amounts do not include any VAT.
For questions and corrections contact billing@localhost.
Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager
Registry ServLvl Commitd. Invoiced Paid
ae.emirnet NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
ae.gulf TIME-P
at.aconet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
at.eunet NORMAL 6000 via eu.eunet
at.net4you NORMAL 2000 3500 NORMAL 2000 4130
at.spardat NORMAL 2000 3000 3000
at.teleport NORMAL 2000 3500
at.vianet NORMAL 2000 2500 2000
be.belnet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
be.eunet TIME-P
be.inet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
be.interpac NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
be.kredietba TIME-P
bg.eunet TIME-P NORMAL 2000
bh.batelco TIME-P
by.belpak NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
ch.canet NORMAL 1000 3000 3000
ch.eunet NORMAL 6000 via eu.eunet
ch.iprolink NORMAL 2000 3630 2565
ch.pingnet NORMAL 2000 4130 4000
ch.plusnet NORMAL 2000 3500
ch.sni NORMAL 2000 3695 3130
ch.switch NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
ch.tinet NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
ch.unisource NORMAL 6000 6500 6500
cy.eunet TIME-P
cy.univ NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
cz.cesnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
cz.eunet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
de.belwue TIME-P
de.csl-gmbh NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
de.detemobil NORMAL 1000 2750 2750
de.dfn NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
de.ecrc NORMAL 2000 3000 3000
de.eunet NORMAL 12000 via eu.eunet
de.eunetcom NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
de.gtn NORMAL 2000 2000 3000
de.ipf TIME-P
de.maz NORMAL 2000 2000 3000
de.nacamar TIME-P 2000 2000 2167
de.roka NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
de.telekom NORMAL 12000 14000 14000
de.xlink NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
dk.denet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
dk.dknet NORMAL 6000 4500
dk.telebit NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
dk.teledanma NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
dz.arn NORMAL 2000 3500
es.eunet TIME-P
es.fcr NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
es.hnet NORMAL 2000 3500
es.medusa NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
es.rediris NORMAL 6000 4695 3130
es.sarenet NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
es.servicom NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
es.ttd NORMAL 12000 11000 11000
eu.eunet NORMAL 12000 58761 39195
fi.alands TIME-P
fi.clinet NORMAL 2000 2130 1065
fi.datanet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000 TIME-P
fi.eunet NORMAL 6000 via eu.eunet
fi.funet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000 NORMAL 6000 8000 8000
fi.kolumbus TIME-P 2000 4000 4000
fi.nordic NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
fi.oulu TIME-P
fr.eunet NORMAL 12000 via eu.eunet
fr.iway NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
fr.jeux TIME-P
fr.oleane NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
fr.pressimag NORMAL 2000 3565 2500
fr.renater NORMAL 12000 12000 12000 NORMAL 6000
fr.societe-g TIME-P
fr.telecom TIME-P
fr.transpac NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
fr.transrel NORMAL 6000 10000
gh.ncsnet NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
gl.tele NORMAL 2000 3000 3000
gr.ariadnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
gr.forth NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
hr.carnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
hr.hptnet NORMAL 2000 3500
hu.banknet TIME-P 2000 4000
hu.datanet NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
hu.hungarnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
hu.isys NORMAL 2000 3000
ie.eireann TIME-P
ie.eunet TIME-P
ie.heanet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
ie.iol NORMAL 2000 1695 565
il.ilan NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
il.netvision NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
ir.iranet NORMAL 2000 2000
is.isnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
it.alpcom NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
it.eunet NORMAL 6000 via eu.eunet
it.garr NORMAL 12000 12000
it.ibenet NORMAL 2000 3500
it.inet NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
it.interbusi NORMAL 12000 9000
it.iperv NORMAL 2000 3500
it.itnet NORMAL 2000 2130 1065
it.nettuno NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
it.tizeta NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
it.uninet NORMAL 2000 2000
it.vol NORMAL 6000 6500
jo.nets TIME-P
jo.nic NORMAL 2000 3500
kw.gulfnet TIME-P 2000 3500
lb.inconet NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
lb.tnet NORMAL 2000 3500
lt.litnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
lt.omnitel NORMAL 2000 3000
lt.taipnet NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
lu.eunet TIME-P NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
lu.restena NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
ma.azurenet NORMAL 2000 3000
mc.mednet NORMAL 2000 3565
mk.marnet NORMAL 2000 3000 3000
mt.megabyte NORMAL 6000 5000 TIME-P
nl.euronet NORMAL 2000 4000 4000 NORMAL 6000 6000 7650
nl.ixe NORMAL 2000 3000 3000
nl.nlnet NORMAL 6000 via eu.eunet TIME-P NORMAL 1000
nl.surfnet NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
nl.unisource NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
nl.xs4all NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
no.daxnet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
no.eunet TIME-P
no.oslonett NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
no.telepost NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
no.uninett NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
pl.eunet TIME-P
pl.nask NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
pt.ccfcul TIME-P
pt.ipglobal TIME-P
pt.rccn NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
pt.telepac NORMAL 2000 3500
ro.rnc TIME-P 2000 2000
ru.freenet NORMAL 2000 2000
ru.glasnet NORMAL 2000 3000
ru.msu TIME-P 2000 2000
ru.relcom TIME-P
ru.rosprint NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
ru.sovam NORMAL 2000 3000
sa.ait NORMAL 2000 3565
se.electrolu TIME-P
se.eunet TIME-P
se.lund NORMAL 1000 1000 1000
se.sunet NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
se.swipnet NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
se.transpac NORMAL 6000 6000 6000
se.unisource NORMAL 12000 9000 6000
si.arnes NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
si.eunet TIME-P
si.k2 TIME-P
si.quantum NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
sk.eunet TIME-P
sk.sanet NORMAL 2000 2000 2000
sm.intelcom NORMAL 2000 1000
su.demos TIME-P
sy.spacetel NORMAL 2000 3565
ua.ts NORMAL 2000 6000 NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
uk.btent TIME-P 1000 1000
uk.cabletel NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
uk.cerbernet NORMAL 2000 3000
uk.compulink NORMAL 2000 4000 4000
uk.demon NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
uk.energis TIME-P
uk.eunet NORMAL 12000 via eu.eunet
uk.genesis TIME-P NORMAL 6000
uk.ins NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
uk.interacti NORMAL 2000 4130 3065
uk.istel TIME-P
uk.janet NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
uk.marconi TIME-P
uk.mercury TIME-P
uk.netkonect NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
uk.nhs NORMAL 1000 1000 1000
uk.osp NORMAL 2000 3500
uk.pipex NORMAL 12000 12000 12000
uk.pol NORMAL 2000 3000
uk.racal TIME-P
uk.researchm NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
uk.royal NORMAL 1000 1000 1000
uk.satellite NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
uk.sonnet NORMAL 2000 3500
uk.stargate TIME-P 2000 6500
uk.technocom NORMAL 2000 3500 3500
uk.trafalgar TIME-P
uk.vbcnet NORMAL 2000 2500 2500
uk.way TIME-P
yu.yunet TIME-P
-------- -------- --------
TOTAL 614000 691636 504347
======== ======== ========
Signup fees in invoiced amounts for '95: 141000
Total VAT invoiced (not included above): 19644
Total VAT received (not included above): 15434
ae.emirnet - Emirates Telecommunications Corporation
ae.gulf - UUNET Gulf
at.aconet - ACONET
at.eunet - EUnet AT
at.net4you - Net4You - PLUS Communications Ltd.
at.teleport - Teleport C&S GmbH.
at.vianet - Vianet
be.belnet - BELNET
be.eunet - EUnet BE
be.inet - INnet
be.interpac - Interpac Belgium
be.kredietba - KREDIETBANK
bg.eunet - EUnet BG - UNICOM-B - Bulgarian Academic and Research Network
bh.batelco - Batelco
by.belpak - Republican Telephone Exchange
ch.canet - Cantrade Privatbank AG
ch.eunet - EUnet CH
ch.iprolink - Internet ProLink
ch.pingnet - Ping Net
ch.plusnet - plusNET AG
ch.sni - SNI
ch.switch - SWITCH Geschaeftsstelle
ch.tinet - Tinet
ch.unisource - Unisource Business Networks (Schweiz) AG
cy.eunet - EUNet Cyprus / Hotelink International Ltd.
cy.univ - University of Cyprus
cz.cesnet - CESNET
cz.eunet - EUnet Czech Republic
de.belwue - BelWue
de.csl-gmbh -
de.detemobil - Deutsche Telekom Mobilfunk GmbH
de.dfn - DFN
de.ecrc - ECRC
de.eunet - EUnet DE
de.eunetcom - eunetcom GmbH
de.gtn - GTN
de.ipf - IFS
de.maz - MAZ Internet Services
de.nacamar - Nacamar
de.roka - roka
de.telekom - Deutsche Telekom AG
de.xlink - Xlink
dk.denet - DENet DK
dk.dknet - DKnet
dk.telebit - Telebit Communications A/S, Denmark
dz.arn - Algerian Academic Research Network
es.eunet - EUnet ES/ Goya Servicios Telematicos, S.A.
es.fcr - Catalan Foundation for Research (FCR)
es.hnet - BCN Servicios Telematicos
es.medusa - ICL Espana, S.A.
es.rediris - RedIRIS-CSIC
es.sarenet - SAREnet, S.A.
es.servicom - Servicom S.A
es.ttd - Telefonica Transmision de Datos
eu.eunet - EUnet Communications Services BV
fi.alands - Alands Nattjanster
fi.clinet - Clinet
fi.datanet - DATANET - Finnish educational network (non-academic)
fi.eunet - EUnet FI
fi.funet - FUNET FI - The Helsinki Telephone Ltd.
fi.kolumbus - Helsinki Telephone Company Ltd, Kolumbus project
fi.nordic - Nordic LAN & WAN Communication OY
fi.oulu - Oulu Telephone Company
fr.eunet - EUnet France
fr.iway - Internet Way
fr.jeux - La Francaise des Jeux
fr.oleane - OLEANE
fr.pressimag - Pressimage
fr.renater - Renater - SkyOne
fr.societe-g - Societe Generale
fr.telecom - France Telecom
fr.transpac - TRANSPAC France
fr.transrel - France Telecom TRANSREL
gh.ncsnet - Network Computer Systems
gl.tele - Tele Greenland
gr.ariadnet - NCSR DEMOKRITOS (Network ARIADNE)
gr.forth - Institute of Computer Science
hr.carnet - Croatian Academic and Research Network
hr.HPTnet - HPT
hu.banknet - BankNet Kft.
hu.datanet - DataNet
hu.hungarnet - HUNGARNET - Hungarian Academic Network
hu.isys - iSYS Hungary Kft.
ie.eireann - Internet Eireann Ltd.
ie.eunet - EUnet IE
ie.heanet - HEAnet
ie.iol - Ireland On-Line
il.ilan - ILAN
il.netvision - NetVision Ltd
is.isnet - SURIS-ISnet/IS EUnet
it.alpcom - ALPcom
it.eunet - EUnet Italy
it.garr - GARR Italian Research and Academic Network
it.ibenet - I.B.E. Srl
it.inet - I.Net S.p.A.
it.interbusi - InterBusiness
it.iperv - IPERV Internet Per Il Veneto
it.itnet - ITnet
it.nettuno - NETTuno
it.tizeta - Tizeta Informatica s.r.l.
it.uninet - UniNet IP Services
it.vol - Video On Line Srl
jo.nets - National Equipment & Technical Services
jo.nic - National Information Center
kw.gulfnet - Gulfnet Kuwait
lb.inconet - Inconet
lb.tnet - SPACETEL, s.a.l.
lt.litnet - LITNET
lt.omnitel - OMNITEL Net
lt.taipnet - TAIDE UAB
lu.eunet - EUnet LU - Europe Online S.A.
lu.restena - RESTENA
ma.azurenet - azurenet
mc.mednet - Mediterranean network
mk.marnet - MARNET MK
mt.megabyte - Megabyte Ltd - Ericsson Data Services
nl.euronet - EuroNet Internet Inc. - IBM Global Network Europe
nl.ixe - Internet eXchange Europe B.V.
nl.nlnet - NLnet - PHILIPS - SCIS
nl.surfnet - SURFnet bv
nl.unisource - Unisource Business Networks
nl.xs4all - Xs4all
no.daxnet - DAXNET
no.eunet - EUnet Norway
no.oslonett - Oslonett
no.telepost - TelePost Communication AS
no.uninett - UNINETT
pl.eunet - EUnet PL
pl.nask - NASK Research and Academic Networks in Poland
pt.ccfcul - CCFCUL
pt.ipglobal - IPGlobal, Informatica e Telecomunicacoes, SA
pt.rccn - RCCN
pt.telepac - Telepac, Sistemas de Telecomunicacoes, SA
ro.rnc - RNC
ru.freenet - FREEnet
ru.glasnet - GLASNET Computer Network Users Assoc.
ru.msu - RADIO-MSU
ru.relcom - RELCOM Corp.
ru.rosprint - RoSprint Company
ru.sovam - Sovam Teleport
sa.ait - Arabian International Telecommunications Company
se.electrolu - Electrolux
se.eunet - EUnet Sweden
se.lund - Lund University
se.sunet - SUNET/NORDUnet
se.swipnet - Tele2/SWIPnet
se.transpac - France Telecom Network Services (Transpac) AB
se.unisource - Unisource Business Networks
si.arnes - ARNES
si.eunet - EUnet SI
si.k2 - K2-net
si.quantum - Quantum d.o.o.
sk.eunet - EUnet Slovakia
sk.sanet - Slovak Academic Network
sm.intelcom - Intelcom
su.demos - Demos Plus Ltd.
sy.spacetel - Spacetel
ua.ts - Relcom-Ukraine Ltd. - BT Public Internet Service
uk.btent - British Telecom
uk.cabletel - Cable Online Ltd
uk.cerbernet - cerberus sound+vision limited t/a cerbernet
uk.compulink - Compulink
uk.energis - ENERGIS
uk.eunet - EUnet GB Ltd
uk.genesis - Genesis Project Limited - Global Internet Ltd.
uk.ins - Internet Network Services Ltd
uk.interacti - Interactive Telephony Ltd
uk.istel - AT&T Istel
uk.janet - JANET NOSC
uk.marconi - GEC Marconi Group
uk.mercury - Mercury Communications Ltd (UK)
uk.netkonect - NetKonect Ltd
uk.nhs - National Health Service (NHS)
uk.osp - Open Systems People Ltd
uk.pipex - PIPEX
uk.pol - Planet Online
uk.racal - RACAL Network Services
uk.researchm - Research Machines plc
uk.royal - Royal Insurance Holdings plc
uk.satellite - Satellite Media Services
uk.sonnet - Sonnet Internet
uk.stargate - Constellation Internet Ltd.
uk.Technocom - Technocom plc
uk.trafalgar - Trafalgar House Engineering
uk.vbcnet - VBCnet GB
uk.way - I-Way Limited
yu.yunet - YU Net