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Re: Meeting September 1st

>Please put your answers between the brackets [].
>1) Your name
>        Enter First name, Last name in FULL
>        e.g. John Doe
>             Mary-Beth Walton
>        # NAME   [ Olle F. Wallner
>2) Your Registry ID (format: country-code.<name of registry>)
>        # REG    [  se.swipnet
>The preferences below need only to be filled in if you care!
>3) Location Preference (format: delete less preferred or none if no preference)
>        # LOC    [  AIRPORT ] 
>4) Earliest start of meeting (format: 24h clock, e.g. 1000 or 0930 or 1030)
>	# START  [  10.30 ]
>5) Latest end of meeting (format: 24h clock, e.g. 1600 or 1630 or 1700)
>	# END    [ 16.30 ]

Olle F. Wallner            Tel     +46 8-56264058
SwipNet/Tele2              Private +46 8-968960
Box 62                     Fax     +46 8-56264200
S-164 94  KISTA            e-mail  wallner@localhost
Visiting address:       Borgarfjordsgatan 16, KISTA

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