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RIPE21: Meeting announcement (REMINDER)


Dear All,

This message is to announce the 21th RIPE meeting in Rome. We would like
to encourage everybody and especially our new contributors to come to
the 21th RIPE meeting.

The meeting is hosted and organised by GARR/CNR. Antonio Blasco Bonito is
the organiser with help from colleagues at CNR. If you are planning to
attend the coming RIPE meeting, please help us by registering for the
meeting as soon as possible. This really helps in planning enough food,
coffee and seats for everyone ie. if you want to get your Italian lunch
(without milk ;-)) register now!

Don't forget to book your hotel as long as possible in advance. May is an
extremely busy conference month in Rome. 

Information about hotels and the meeting venue are available at the
www site of CNR and the RIPE NCC ftp server. A draft agenda and an
announcement about the traditional RIPE Meeting Evening Dinner has been
sent out seperately and is available at the RIPE NCC ftp server.

Kind regards,

David Kessens


              R I P E meeting announcement

(This announcement can also be viewed using "finger meeting@localhost")

      This is to announce that the 21th RIPE meeting will take place:

      Dates:         8th May, 1995 begin: 09:00   
                     9th May, 1995 
                    10th May, 1995 end:   16:00 

                     The Working Group and special interest group
                     sessions will be scheduled for May 8 (full day) and
                     May 9 (09:00-12:30).  The plenary RIPE meeting will
                     take place at May 9 (14:00-18:00) and May 10 (09:00-16:00).

      Venue:  	     Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
                     P.le Aldo Moro, 7   (Old name: P. delle Scienze)
                     I-00185 Roma     

      Host:          GARR/CNR

      Registration:  Please use the registration form to give notice of your
                     coming as soon as possible.

                     The Registration form can be obtained from:


      Agenda:        The draft agenda will be published 2 weeks before
                     the meeting starts. It will be available at:


      General Information:

      Currency information (950329):
      1 ECU = L 2246,- 
      1 US$ = L 1700,-
      1 DFL = L 1100,- 
      1 UK# = L 2742,-

      All information about the RIPE meeting can be obtained from:

      The README file in this directory contains a short description
      about the files available in the ftp directory, the CHANGES file
      contains information about (important) updates of the general
      information regarding the meeting:


      Maps of Roma:
      How do I get there:

      From the airport Fiumicino/Leonardo da Vinci:
      Take the direct non-stop train from the airport to Stazione di
      Termini. The train costs L 13,000 and will bring you within 30
      minutes at the station. Trains depart about every 30 minutes but
      they might have some delays! On departure from Roma to the airport,
      get your train tickets from a special ticket office along platform
      22. Taxis from the airport to the station (45 minutes) cost about
      L 60,000.
      The meeting site and hotels are all close to Stazione di Termini. 
      Details of the hotels (less then 15 minute walk) to the meeting venue
      can be obtained from:

      Check the following map how to get from the station to the
      venue/your hotel:

      Public Transport:

      You can buy your bus/metro/train tickets from the automatic ticket
      machines *before* entering the bus/metro/train. One can pay with
      coins or bills. Bus/metro tickets cost L 1500,-. It might be easier
      to walk from most hotels to the venue. All recommended hotels are
      within a 15 minute walk distance to the venue. Taxis from the hotels
      to the meeting venue should cost about L 10,000,- depending in
      which hotel you stay.

      Tourist and other information about Roma is available from:
      The text is in Italian but there are many pictures available which
      give a good impression of Roma.

      There will also be a document in the document store with some
      information about the more important touristic sites/museums in

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