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RIPE21 - Draft Agenda

			    21sr RIPE Meeting

		          Rome, 8 - 10 May 1995

		           Preliminary Agenda

   Dear Colleagues,

      below you will find a first shot at the agenda for the 21st RIPE
      meeting. As always, it is a proposed agenda: please let me know of
      any changes and/or additions you might want to propose - dead line
      coming Friday 17:00h.

      A first try at scheduling the working group sessions will be distributed
      as a seperate mail.

      Last, but not least, a traditional RIPE dinner will be organised on
      Tuesday evening. Again, this will be seperately announced.

   See you all in Rome,

      Rob Blokzijl

			    21st RIPE Meeting

		           Rome, 8-10 May 1995

		           Preliminary Agenda

      o Opening and Welcome

      o Adoption of the Agenda

      o Minutes of the 20th RIPE Meeting

      o Outstanding Action Items

      o RIPE NCC Report

      o RIPE NCC Finances

      o Internet 1996 World Exposition

      o IETF Report

      o NSFnet: post mortem and the new world

      o Working Group Reports

      o Next Meetings

      o AOB

      o Closing

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