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RIPE21: Meeting registration form

                              21th RIPE meeting
                         Registration reservation form
                                 Roma, Italia 
                               May 8-10th, 1995 


Our handling of ALL meeting registrations is fully automated.  
To register for the meeting, please complete the registration form 
and send it to meeting@localhost.  PLEASE FILL THIS OUT AS SPECIFIED.
Please add in a value in the `box' area marked between the
square brackets (i.e. "[" and "]" s). Note this is what will be used for
your badge if you have requested one and for the attendee list so please
take care to fill it in correctly.

You will receive a notification message that your request has been processed.  

If however, you have any questions about the meeting or your 
registration form, please send your completed form to ncc@localhost.

		Many thanks,

			David Kessens
                        RIPE NCC



PART 1 - Registration

1) Your name
        Enter First name, Last name in FULL (remember this is on list and
        e.g. John Doe
             Mary-Beth Walton

        # NAME   [                                                         ]

2) I already have a RIPE badge from a previous meeting.
        If yes please enter Y in the box below.
        If no please enter N in the box below.

        # BADGE  [  ]

3) Your Organisation/Institution

        # ORG    [                                                         ]

4) Your e-mail address 

        # EMAIL  [                                                         ]

5) Country code of organisation
        e.g. IT

        # CTRY   [   ]

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