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RE: Proposal Regarding Signup Fees

  Hi Daniel,

>the NCC has been approached by the GARR NIS about waiving the
>signup fees for new registries which already receive local support 
>from an experienced registry and thus need very little direct
>support from the RIPE NCC.  After some discussion Antonio Blasco Bonito
>and myself worked out a proposal about this which you find below.
>Please note that this only concerns the signup fee and not the other

  After reading through the supporting text I think this is a very
  reasonable approach.
  The only comment I'd like to make is that we ALL should still try to
  promote the idea of charging a signup fee as constituting a reasonable
  investment for obtaining high quality training, instead of letting slip
  in the feeling for a one-time tax imposed by the network gods.
  Also, I feel that this proposal is well in line with the EUnet
  arrangement. Overall, it might lead to a more distributed NCC function
  and and responsibilities in the future, which I think would be
  appreciated by many of us.
  Wilfried Woeber                :  e-mail: Woeber@localhost
  Computer Center - ACOnet       :  
  Vienna University              :  Tel: +43 1 4065822 355
  Universitaetsstrasse 7         :  Fax: +43 1 4065822 170
  A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe :  NIC: WW144

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