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Contribution status Tue Feb 7 15:46:11 MET 1995

Dear colleagues,

below you find the latest state of the contribution iterations.  I have
already apologised personally to Anthoulis K Stylianou (cy.univ) and
Gabriele Neri (it.nettuno).  Their confirmations were omitted from the
last report.  They had been lost when we converted this information into
the new billing database and This has been corrected now. 

There is quite some progress as we now have 80% of the expenditure
budget confirmed, 38% committed (agreements signed) and even 45% already

Still the iteration is far from complete and some of the progress is
due to growth, rather than more current users confiming or committing.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager

Below you find a summary of the current state of RIPE NCC Income for 1995.  
This reflects the current state of affairs as stored in the NCC registry 
(billing) database. 

Since February 1st 1995 the Committed column determines the service
level a registry receives from the NCC:

     Registries which have signed the agreement will be ser-
     viced  normally  as  long  as they have no overdue out-
     standing invoices.

     All other registries as well  as  individuals  will  be
     served only as time permits and after all requests from
     paying customers have been dealt with.

Because the agreements have "only" been available for about a month now,
registries which have confirmed contributions but not signed the
agreement yet will be treated as if they had signed until 
February 28th 1995. 

"Last Resort" registries are not listed. They still receive NORMAL service 
for last resort requests. The future of last resort registries is currently
being discussed by RIPE and the NCC contributors committee.

NCC Sponsors are also not listed because they have not yet been added to
the billing database. 


Registry	- the European Internet Registry ID.

ServLvl		- Current service level: 
			NORMAL - normal service
			TIME-P - service as time permits

Estimate	- a rough estimation of appropriate contributions by 
                  registry size

Confirm.	- contributions confirmed informally (e-mail, aurally, ...)

Correct.	- difference between Confirmed and Estimated 
                  The purpose of this is to keep an eye on how accurate the 
                  estimates are and most importantly whether the
                  corrected total still meets the budget.

Commitd.	- contributions confirmed by written commitment to TERENA
                  for forms see ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/new-registry/

Invoiced        - sum of the amounts invoiced by TERENA. 
                  This reflects only invoices actually sent out.
                  Invoiced amounts may be different form commitments,
                  due to such factors as VAT, payment schedules, 
                  billing fees, signup fees, etc.

Paid		- sum of payments received by TERENA.

%budget		- the column sum as percentage of the agreed NCC 
                  expenditure budget of ECU 407500.

For questions and corrections contact billing@localhost.

Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager

Registry     ServLvl Estimate Confirm. Correct. Commitd. Invoiced     Paid

ae.gulf       TIME-P     2000                                             
at.aconet     NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     7050         
at.eunet      TIME-P     6000                                             
at.plus       NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000                  
at.spardat    NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
at.vianet     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
be.belnet     NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     6000         
be.eunet      TIME-P     6000                                             
be.inet       NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
be.interpac   TIME-P     2000                                             
be.kredietba  TIME-P     1000                                             
bg.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
bg.unicom-b   NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
ch.chuug      TIME-P    12000                                             
ch.switch     NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000    12000         
cy.univ       NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
cz.cesnet     NORMAL     6000     2000    -4000     2000     2000         
cz.eunet      NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
de.belwue     TIME-P     2000                                             
de.dfn        NORMAL    12000    12000        0             12000         
de.ecrc       NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     3000         
de.eunet      TIME-P    12000                                             
de.gtn        NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
de.maz        TIME-P     2000                                             
de.nacamar    NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
de.roka       NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
de.telekom    NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000                  
de.xlink      NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000                  
dk.denet      NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     6000         
dk.dknet      TIME-P     6000                                             
dk.telebit    NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
es.eunet      TIME-P     6000                                             
es.rediris    NORMAL     6000     6000        0              1565         
fi.alands     TIME-P     2000                                             
fi.clinet     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
fi.datanet    NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
fi.edu        NORMAL     6000     1000    -5000                           
fi.eunet      TIME-P     6000                                             
fi.funet      NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     6000         
fi.htc        NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
fi.nordic     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
fi.oulu       TIME-P     6000                                             
fr.eunet      TIME-P    12000                                             
fr.jeux       TIME-P     1000                                             
fr.oleane     NORMAL     6000     6000        0              6000         
fr.renater    NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000    12000         
fr.societe-g  TIME-P     1000                                             
fr.telecom    TIME-P     1000                                             
fr.transpac   NORMAL    12000    12000        0             12000         
fr.transrel   NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
gr.ariadnet   NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
gr.forth      NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
hr.carnet     TIME-P     2000                                             
hu.hungarnet  NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
ie.eireann    TIME-P     2000                                             
ie.eunet      TIME-P     6000                                             
ie.heanet     NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     7050     7050
ie.iol        NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
il.ilan       NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000     2000
il.netvision  NORMAL     6000     2000    -4000     2000     2000         
is.isnet      NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
it.alpcom     NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     4000         
it.eunet      TIME-P    12000                                             
it.garr       NORMAL    12000    12000        0                           
it.itnet      NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     1065         
it.nettuno    NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
jo.nets       TIME-P     2000                                             
lb.lir        TIME-P     2000                                             
lt.litnet     TIME-P     2000                                             
lu.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
lu.restena    NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
mk.marnet     TIME-P     2000                                             
nl.ericsson   TIME-P     1000                                             
nl.euronet    NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     4700         
nl.ibm        NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
nl.nlnet      TIME-P    12000                                             
nl.philips    TIME-P     6000                                             
nl.surfnet    NORMAL    12000    12000        0                           
nl.unisource  NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
nl.xs4all     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
no.daxnet     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
no.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
no.telepost   NORMAL     6000     2000    -4000              2000         
no.uninett    NORMAL     6000     6000        0     6000     6000         
pl.eunet      NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
pl.nask       NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
pt.ccfcul     TIME-P     2000                                             
pt.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
pt.rccn       NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
ro.rnc        NORMAL     2000     2000        0     2000     2000         
ru.msu        NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
ru.relcom     TIME-P     6000                                             
ru.rosprint   NORMAL     6000     2000    -4000     2000     2000         
se.electrolu  TIME-P     1000                                             
se.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
se.lund       NORMAL     2000     1000    -1000                           
se.sunet      NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000    12000         
se.swipnet    NORMAL    12000     6000    -6000                           
se.transpac   NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
se.unisource  NORMAL     6000     6000        0                           
si.arnes      NORMAL     2000     2000        0              2000         
si.eiger      TIME-P     2000                                             
si.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
sk.eunet      TIME-P     2000                                             
sk.sanet      NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           
su.demos      TIME-P     6000                                             
uk.bt         NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000    12000         
uk.btent      NORMAL     1000     1000        0              1000         
uk.cns        TIME-P     6000                                             
uk.demon      NORMAL     6000    12000    +6000    12000                  
uk.energis    TIME-P     1000                                             
uk.eunet      TIME-P    12000                                             
uk.genesis    TIME-P     2000                                             
uk.istel      TIME-P     6000                                             
uk.janet      NORMAL    12000    12000        0             12000         
uk.marconi    TIME-P     1000                                             
uk.mercury    TIME-P    12000                                             
uk.nhs        NORMAL     1000     1000        0     1000     1000         
uk.pipex      NORMAL    12000    12000        0    12000                  
uk.racal      TIME-P     2000                                             
uk.royal      NORMAL     1000     1000        0                           
uk.trafalgar  NORMAL     1000     1000        0                           
uk.vbcnet     NORMAL     2000     2000        0                           

                     -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
TOTAL                  560000   330000   538000   157000   186430     9050
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========

% of Budget               137       80      132       38       45        2


ae.gulf       - UUNET Gulf
at.aconet     - ACONET
at.eunet      - EUnet AT
at.plus       - PLUS Communications Ltd.
at.vianet     - Vianet
be.belnet     - BELNET
be.eunet      - EUnet BE
be.inet       - INnet
be.interpac   - Interpac Belgium
be.kredietba  - KREDIETBANK
bg.eunet      - EUnet BG
bg.unicom-b   - UNICOM-B - Bulgarian Academic and Research Network
ch.chuug      - EUnet CH
ch.switch     - SWITCH Geschaeftsstelle
cy.univ       - University of Cyprus
cz.cesnet     - CESNET
cz.eunet      - EUnet Czech Republic
de.belwue     - BelWue
de.dfn        - DFN
de.ecrc       - ECRC
de.eunet      - EUnet DE
de.gtn        - GTN
de.maz        - MAZ CLS Internet Services
de.nacamar    - Nacamar
de.roka       - roka
de.telekom    - Deutsche Telecom AG
de.xlink      - Xlink
dk.denet      - DENet DK
dk.dknet      - DKnet
dk.telebit    - Telebit Communications A/S, Denmark
es.eunet      - EUnet ES/ Goya Servicios Telematicos, S.A.
es.rediris    - RedIRIS-CSIC
fi.alands     - Alands Nattjanster
fi.clinet     - Clinet
fi.datanet    - DATANET
fi.edu        - Finnish educational network (non-academic)
fi.eunet      - EUnet FI
fi.funet      - FUNET FI
fi.htc        - The Helsinki Telephone Ltd.
fi.nordic     - Nordic LAN & WAN Communication OY
fi.oulu       - Oulu Telephone Company
fr.eunet      - EUnet France
fr.jeux       - La Francaise des Jeux
fr.oleane     - OLEANE
fr.renater    - Renater
fr.societe-g  - Societe Generale
fr.telecom    - France Telecom
fr.transpac   - TRANSPAC France
fr.transrel   - France Telecom TRANSREL
gr.ariadnet   - Ariadne Network (NRC Demokritos)
gr.forth      - EUnet GR
hr.carnet     - Croatian Academic and Research Network
hu.hungarnet  - HUNGARNET - Hungarian Academic Network
ie.eireann    - Internet Eireann Ltd.
ie.eunet      - EUnet IE
ie.heanet     - HEAnet
ie.iol        - Ireland On-Line
il.ilan       - ILAN
il.netvision  - NetVision Ltd
is.isnet      - SURIS-ISnet/IS EUnet
it.alpcom     - ALPcom
it.eunet      - EUnet Italy
it.garr       - GARR Italian Research and Academic Network
it.itnet      - ITnet
it.nettuno    - NETTuno
jo.nets       - National Equipment & Technical Services
lb.lir        - Lebanon Internet Registry Inc
lt.litnet     - LITNET
lu.eunet      - EUnet LU
lu.restena    - RESTENA
mk.marnet     - MARNET SI
nl.ericsson   - Ericsson Data Services
nl.euronet    - EuroNet Internet Inc.
nl.ibm        - IBM Information Network
nl.nlnet      - NLnet
nl.philips    - PHILIPS
nl.surfnet    - SURFnet bv
nl.unisource  - Unisource Business Networks
nl.xs4all     - Xs4all
no.daxnet     - DAXNET
no.eunet      - EUnet Norway
no.telepost   - TelePost Communication AS
no.uninett    - UNINETT
pl.eunet      - EUnet PL
pl.nask       - NASK  Research and Academic Networks in Poland
pt.ccfcul     - CCFCUL
pt.eunet      - EUnet PT
pt.rccn       - RCCN
ro.rnc        - RNC
ru.msu        - RADIO-MSU
ru.relcom     - RELCOM Corp.
ru.rosprint   - RoSprint Company
se.electrolu  - Electrolux
se.eunet      - EUnet Sweden
se.lund       - Lund University
se.sunet      - SUNET/NORDUnet
se.swipnet    - Tele2/SWIPnet
se.transpac   - TRANSPAC Scandinavia AB
se.unisource  - Unisource Business Networks
si.arnes      - ARNES
si.eiger      - EIGER-EBONE
si.eunet      - EUnet SI
sk.eunet      - EUnet Slovakia
sk.sanet      - Slovak Academic Network
su.demos      - Demos Plus Ltd.
uk.bt         - BT Public Internet Service
uk.btent      - British Telecom
uk.cns        - Chernikeeff Networking Services
uk.demon      - DEMON
uk.energis    - ENERGIS
uk.eunet      - EUnet GB (GBnet Ltd)
uk.genesis    - Genesis Project Limited
uk.istel      - AT&T Istel
uk.janet      - JANET NOSC
uk.marconi    - GEC Marconi Group
uk.mercury    - Mercury Communications Ltd (UK)
uk.nhs        - National Health Service (NHS)
uk.pipex      - PIPEX
uk.racal      - RACAL Network Services
uk.royal      - Royal Insurance Holdings plc
uk.trafalgar  - Trafalgar House Engineering
uk.vbcnet     - VBCnet GB

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