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Re: EUnets - again

Daniel writes:
> We have not deliberately created a wrong impression about EUnet AG.
> We have not even carelessly created a wrong impression about EUnet AG.

Again, the only thing I care about is that a member of our staff got
a phone call on Friday afternoon from an unhappy consultant stating
that his request was not being processed because we hadn't paid our
bills to Ripe. Except if you accuse me of being a liar and fabricating
the story, there is no denying the above fact. How he got that impression
I can only deduct from what he told me on the phone yesterday, but he 
-did- get it from the NCC.

> You have accused us 
> 	- *behind our back* 
> 	- *to a wide audience* 

We took this privately to your immediate formal superior, you went public.

> 	- without verifying your facts first

The facts have been double checked (we might disagree on what the actual
incident is).

> 	- without asking us for a reaction first

We asked your superior for a reaction, nothing else.


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