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Re: [myastesting] ANNOUNCEMENT: RIS myAS Aggregator Feature

Dear Matthew,

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Matthew Williams wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dear myAS Test User,
> The Aggregator feature attempts to periodically summarise alarms into a
> single email message instead of having them triggered multiple times per
> peer. The process runs currently every thirty minutes, however, we
> intend on allowing the user to modify this interval in the beta version.
> Our question to you: 
> What are the respective minimum Aggregator intervals acceptable to myAS
> users, considering that BGP update dumps would be processed every 5, 10
> or, as today, every 15 minutes?

I think about following scenario:
BGP-update 5min, interval 15min
BGP-update 10min, interval 30min
BGP-update 15min, interval 30min


 Jaroslaw Matysniak

 STK Ret-sat1

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