<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<p>To understand correctly. You want to enforce, that every
subscribe operation / e-mail client operation (get new email from
server) in the world will make a bidirectional communication with
a central server? Do you have an ellaborated guess, how much
computing power that would need?</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Am 26.04.20 um 18:05 schrieb Elad
<blockquote type="cite"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<style type="text/css" style="display:none;"> P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} </style>
<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<span>Hello Everyone,<br>
<div>I want to share with you my technical solution to resolve
the global world "Email Spam" problem and in addition it will
also resolve the spreading of illegal links
(phishing/malware/etc , once the sites are known) through
electronic mail and will stop email spoofing (that part using
current technologies).<br>
<div>Email spam problem was not being able to be defeated since
the beginning of electronic mail, as long as email spam will
be profitable to email spammers - it will exist, email spam
caused the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus
Project" to exist, "The Spamhaus Project" is hurting and
damaging many businesses worldwide in their way to fight email
spam, "The Spamhaus Project" is an illegal anonymous
organization according to the following presentation that they
wrote on themselves, they are violating laws in their way to
fight email spam and still they don't win in the battle
against email spam. "The Spamhaus Project" is keeping their
anonymity because they are afriad of justified lawsuits due to
their criminal actions in their way to fight email spam. The
following technical solution will resolve the world email spam
problem without to hurt and to damage many businesses
worldwide that have nothing to do with email spam like "The
Spamhaus Project" does, the following implementation can
remove the need for an illegal anonymous organization such as
"The Spamhaus Project".<br>
<div>The presentation that the illegal anonymous organization
"The Spamhaus Project" wrote on themselves:<br>
<div><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.scribd.com/document/445894312/Spamhaus-Illegal-Private-Data-Violation">https://www.scribd.com/document/445894312/Spamhaus-Illegal-Private-Data-Violation</a><br>
<div>The Implementation:<br>
<div>There will be a site (lets call it NoSpam.org) - the site
will be owned by the 5 RIRs, the site will use bgp anycast and
will be deployed in each of the 5 RIRs (the site will also be
able to be deployed by the ccTLD registries in each country),
the site in all the locations will be synced automatically.<br>
<div>Each domain owner will be able to register at the site (an
email message will be sent to the domain owner email address
in the domain name WHOIS details in order to verify that the
domain owner is the one registering).<br>
<div>After being logged in, a domain owner will be able to add
his email addresses (of the specific domain name) that will be
used to send newsletters / mailing lists / one-to-many email
messages, lets call these kind of email addresses as 'mailing
list' email addresses. The domain owner will not be able to
see the list of 'mailing list' email addresses that he added -
because when he added each 'mailing list' email address it
will be saved with hash in the NoSpam.org backend
infrastructure (due to privacy and security reasons) - hence
only if the domain owner will manually type the 'mailing list'
email address he will be able to enter it in order to manage
it (to see the total number of subscribers email addresses, to
see the subscribers email addresses but only with their hashes
due to security and privacy reasons, to remove a subscriber
from the list, to add a sub-user with permissions to manage
that specific 'mailing list' email address).<br>
<div>In his site, the domain owner will be able to integrate an
iframe from NoSpam.org (or to connect to NoSpam.org with ajax)
regarding a subscriber registration form to his specific
'mailing list' email address, the subscriber will receive an
email message with a link to confirm his subscription.<br>
<div>The domain owner will need to create a callback file in his
website, for example in the path:
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://example.com/nospam-notification-callback">http://example.com/nospam-notification-callback</a>) - that url
will receive encrypted post notifications (encryption key will
be provided by the domain owner in his NoSpam.org logged in
account) from NoSpam.org regarding any new end-user that will
subscribe or that will unsubscribe from a 'mailing address'
email address which is related to the domain of the domain
owner (unsubscribe functionality by the user later below).<br>
<div>The subscriber email address and that 'mailing list' email
address (that was subscribed to) will be sent by NoSpam.org to
"/nospam-notification-callback" not in the hashed format but
in cleartext (so the domain owner will be able to save it in
his system for future email messages from the specific
'mailing list' email address to the specific subscriber email
<div>The domain owner will also have an API to NoSpam.org
backend infrastructure in order to remove a specific
subscriber email address from a specific 'mailing list' email
address (the domains owner will send the values through the
API - hashed).<br>
<div>The domain owner will also provide a web interface in his
site for the end-user to remove himself from the specific
'mailing list' email address.<br>
<div>The above is the backend implementation (no upgrade is
needed to any email server in the internet), the following is
the upgrade that will needed for any email client (that
upgrade is not mandatory, without the following upgrade the
email client will work exactly as it is now without the added
no-spam features, electronic mail will not break if some email
users will upgrade their email clients and some will not):<br>
<div>- There will not be 'mark as spam' button, that kind of
functionality will stop to exist because spam is not a boolean
value, 'spam' to one person is valuable to another 'person',
specially when the internet is global and different people
from different countries will consider spam content
differently. One user can consider an email message as spam
and another user can consider the same message as not spam,
'Spam' is subjective and any kind of 'mark as spam'
functionality is useless in the battle against email spam.<br>
<div>- There will be blacklists and whitelists (just like there
are now, but they will be more prominent): blacklist email
addresses , blacklist domains , whitelist email addresses ,
whitelist domains.<br>
<div>- The end-user should be able to easily enter each email
message to whitelist or to blacklist (meaning the 'from' email
address of the email message), and will be able to search in
the 'Spam' folder easily for an email address (these features
can exist today, but they should be given more visibility, so
end-users will use them more).<br>
<div>- The end-user will be able to import/export his whitelists
and blacklists using an xml format to any other upgraded email
client, the blacklists and whitelists will be local (end-user
will be able to pass the local whitelists and blacklists to
another email client of his with the click of a button in the
upgraded email client - the upgraded email client will just
send them to itself - without to download them from the email
server so the end-user will be able to download it with
another upgraded email client - or the end-user will be able
to send the whitelists and blacklists to another email address
of him, the usage will not be like sending regular email
message with attachments - the upgraded email clients will
take care to sending and receiving of the blacklists and
whitelits - in the background, these are custom formatted
email messages that the two upgraded email clients will know
how to act upon them).<br>
<div>- The email client will be able to display with GUI with
buttons any 'mailing-list registration confirmation email' in
a specific section related to registration to new 'mailing
list' email addresses for the end-user to choose with buttons
if he accept or refuse to register to a specific 'mailing
list' email address.<br>
<div>- For any email message that was received: in case a
received 'from' email address was found in the whitelist email
addresses or in the whitelist domains - then it will be moved
to the 'Inbox' folder, in case the 'from' email address of the
email message was found in the blacklist email addresses or in
the blacklist domains - then the email message will be moved
to the 'Trash' folder.<br>
<div>- In case the 'from' email address or domain was not found
in the whitelists and in the blacklists, then the upgraded
email client will send the 'from' email address and the 'from'
domain and the current user email address and the external
links that exist in the email message (but all of these data
will be sent in a hashed way, and not in cleartext) with a
query to NoSpam.org backend infrastructure, NoSpam.org will
perform the following algorithem after it:<br>
<div>- If the hashed 'from' domain (or any other 'hashed' domain
from the external links) exist in a list of criminals hashed
domains (of phishing/malware/viruses/etc) then NoSpam.org will
respond to the email client to delete the email message,
otherwise the hashed 'from' email address will be checked
against a list of hashed 'mailing list' email addresses - if
found then the sender is a 'mailing list' email address and
there will be a check by NoSpam.org backend infrastructure if
the hashed 'receiver' email address is a subscriber of that
specific 'mailing list' email address , if the hashed
'receiver' was found then NoSpam.org will send a response to
the email client that the email message can be displayed in
the 'Inbox' folder and in the response NoSpam.org will also
include an unsubscribe key - the email client will be able to
display an unsubscribe button to the email client and if
clicked the email client will send an https request to
NoSpam.org with the specific unsubscribe key, NoSpam.org
backend infrastructure will remove the end-user email address
from the 'mailing list' email address and will notify the
domain owner at the domain owner callback url
"/nospam-notification-callback" that the specific user
unsubscribed. In case the hashed 'receiver' wasn't found then
NoSpam.org will respond to the email client to delete the
email message and NoSpam.org will also notify the callback url
of the related domain owner that he shouldn't send email
messages from the specific 'mailing list' email address to
the specific subscriber email address.<br>
<div>- In case when NoSpam.org backend infrastructure searched
the hashed 'from' email address and it wasn't found in the
list of all hashed 'mailing list' email addresses, it mean
that the email address was sent from a 'personal' email
address and NoSpam.org backend infrastructure will notify the
email client that the email message is from a 'personal' email
address - the email client in that stage will need to decide
if to move the email message to the 'Inbox' folder or to the
'Spam' folder based on the following - the email client will
check if the email message include links/images/plain-url's -
and if yes then the email message will be moved to the 'Spam'
folder, otherwise it will be moved to the 'Inbox' folder.<br>
<div>Whitelist Handshake:<br>
<div>- In order to facilitate the adding of new email address to
the local whitelist, a process of 'Whitelist Handshake' exist
, a 'Whitelist Handshake' is a GUI representation in two email
clients regarding background email messages between them (that
the two end-users don't see), "end-user A" with a click of a
button will be able to send 'add me to whitelist' request to
"end-user B" which will be able to accept or deny and if
accepted then "end-user B" will be able to automatically send
the same "add me to whitelist" request to "end-user A" , all
of this communication will be done behind the scenes, these
special email messages will not be visible to the end-users,
end-users will see popups with GUI that email address X is
asking to be added to whitelist. In order for spammers not to
abuse this option - the email client will keep only one
'whitelist request' from each requester email address (there
will be a 'whitelist requests' section in the upgraded email
client). A repeated 'whitelist request' that came from a
specific email address can never be raised in the list (unless
the end-user will specifically search for it) even when the
sender will send more and more 'add me to whitelist' requests
- no priority will given to them, and once an end-user refused
an 'add me to whitelist' request - no new 'add me to
whitelist' request will be shown from the specific sender
email address in the specific email client.<br>
<div>- There can be a case that an upgraded email client will
send 'add me to whitelist' request to a not-upgraded email
client and then the receiver will see the request as it is -
as an email message in the inbox folder - due to it the
content of that message will be in the language of the domain
TLD of the receiver email address and the content in the email
message will explain what is NoSpam.org and how to upgrade the
email client and supported upgraded email clients, etc<br>
<div>- In the 'whitelist requests section' in the upgraded email
client - the whitelist requests will appear in a list - there
should be preference so some requests will appear upper and
other lower (so requests from spammers will appear lower) -
whitelist requests from email addresses of domains which are
older (according to their WHOIS details) will appear upper
than whitelist requests from email addresses of domains which
are newer. Whitelist requests from a list of a
more-trusted-domains (domains of known webmails service,
universities, governments, etc) will have preference over
other domains, specific TLDs that not anyone can purchase will
also have preference over other TLDs that anyone can purchase
(upgraded email clients will retrieve the list of trusted
TLD's and Domains each day from NoSpam.org backend
<div>Notification of spam emails:<br>
<div>- An additional feature in the upgraded email client is
that whenever an email message will reach the 'Spam' folder -
the email client will send in the background a known-format
email message to the sender and will notify him about it, if
the sender is using an upgraded email client then it will be
able to automatically send a 'add me to whitelist' request to
the receiver in the background (once an email address is
whitelisted - all the email messages from it will move from
'Spam' to 'Inbox').<br>
<div>Email Spoofing:<br>
<div>- In an upgraded email client, email messages from
'personal' email addresses cannot arrive from email relay
server, in case it happen the message will be deleted and the
email client will send an automatic email message in the
background to the sender with the text (in the language of the
sender domain TLD) that email messages from 'email relay
servers' cannot be received from him.<br>
<div>- In an upgraded email client, email messages from 'mailing
list' email addresses can arrive from email relay servers -
but they must be encrypted with DKIM.<br>
<div>- In an upgraded email client, the email client should
check the SPF txt dns record of the sender domain, and will
drop the email message if it is a spoofed email message.<br>
<div>- DNS servers developers will need to make the SPF txt dns
record to be a mandatory field for every domain, in order for
email spoofing to be annihilated.<br>
<div>Security Aspects:<br>
<div>- All stored data in NoSpam.org Backend infrastructure is
<div>- The criminals domains list in NoSpam.org Backend
Infrastructure will be managed only by regulated supervised
Law Enforcement Agency (for example: Interpol) and not by an
internet organization such as the RIRs or ccTLD registries.<br>
<div>- Domains owners will have 'forgot password' functionality
to their NoSpam.org account, the password reset link will be
sent to the email address of the owner of the domain according
to the domain WHOIS details.<br>
<div>- Communication between email clients to NoSpam.org backend
infrastructure will be over https, there will only be an
handshake process in the beginning over electronic mail
between email client and NoSpam.org backend infrastructure -
the email client will send an email message with a chosen key
to an email address of @nospam.org (that key will be used in
further communication between the email client and the
NoSpam.org backend infrastructure over https, it will be used
for NoSpam.org backend infrastructure to identify the specific
email address over https, so anyone will not be able to query
NoSpam.org backend infrastructure to know which hashed email
address belongs to which hashed 'mailing list' email address,
besides the email client user with the right key to query
NoSpam.org Backend infrastructure only on himself).<br>
<div>- Any email client will download once per day 'spam-rules'
file from NoSpam.org backend infrastructure, 'spam-rules' file
will be an xml formatted file that include rules of when to
move an email message that was received from 'personal' email
address which is not whitelisted to the 'Spam' folder (for
example, when email have at least 1/2/3 links, when email
format is rich text or html and not plaintext, etc), in case
future adjustments will be needed to win the battle against
email spam - email clients will not need to be upgraded, the
new 'spam-rules' will be updated in this daily file.<br>
<div>To make it short:<br>
<div>- Any email message from a subscribed mailing list /
newsletter / etc - will reach to the inbox (that kind of email
messages can contain any kind of content without any
restrictions, because the user subscribed to it and the user
can unsubscribe from it at anytime).<br>
<div>- Any email message from an email address or domain in
whitelist - will reach the inbox.<br>
<div>- Whitelist Handshake process is easy to use and being
implemented with clicks of a button, nothing to type.<br>
<div>- In case an email message will the 'Spam' folder - an
automatic email message will be sent from the receiver to
sender and sender can automatically ask to be added to the
receiver's whitelist.<br>
<div>- Any email message without links/images/plain-url's (plain
email messages, like electronic email was) - will reach the
<div>- Any other email will reach the 'Spam' folder - if needed
the user will be able to easily whitelist the email message in
the 'Spam' folder.<br>
<div>Spammers need links in their email messages for
monetization, above solution blocks it and also block criminal
domains links in email message and implement email spoofing
blocking at client-side. We will all stop to receive more than
100 spam email messages per day with the above solution.<br>
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