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[members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs
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Töma Gavrichenkov
ximaera at
Thu Apr 30 23:33:44 CEST 2020
Peace, Trying to be as technical as I can here, On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 11:31 PM Elad Cohen <elad at> wrote: > In the new tracking ip packet there will be a new > transport layer protocol (tracking protocol) with > the following fields: > AS number of source BGP router in clear text > AS number of source BGP router encrypted with the private key of the source BGP router So the secret part would be the same for all the packets. This technique is easily circumventable with tcpdump. Moreover, you're encrypting values from a less than 4-byte domain. I can pick the correct encrypted value with brute force. Proper cryptoanalysis would find more flaws in this. I just cherry picked instant weaknesses. > If 'on' then the destination BGP router will decrypt > the 'encrypted AS number' with the public key of > the specific AS number > and after decryption the AS number need to be > the result: > if not then to drop the tracking ip packet and the > original ip packet related to it > if yes then to drop the tracking ip packet and to > forward the related original ip packet to > destination This is not how border routers work. Those do not keep a packet in memory until some check-up would finish. They are *stateless* when it comes to forwarding packets, otherwise they could be DDoS'd much easily than today. IOW, they do not *know anything* about other packets while processing your "tracking packet". What if a tracking packet is lost in transit? What if it arrives an hour later? How long does it take for a router to drop a packet without a confirmation? "X number of seconds" is not a response. "Seconds" are a wrong unit of measurement. Nanoseconds, maybe. Seconds — no go. That also assumes a hardware update to all the line cards. > - IoT botnets are based on default credentials, if we > can block default credentials of IoT devices then > these kind of botnets (such as Mirai-variants and > similar) will stop to have an impact in the internet. Also if we can block all the weapon-producing plants there would be no war from that point on. Why don't you apply your genius to those certainly more important issues of the humanity? > any kind of automatic updating (in the operating > system configurations) will be disabled This is not how vulnerabilities work. They are frequently *introduced* by an update. I'm waiting for your financial analysis of the concept "let's keep a VM for every published CVE" (assuming that every actively exploited vulnerability even gets a CVE, which is also not how it works). > the virtual routers will monitor if any outgoing > connection is made and if yes then it is to a > botnet C&C, the virtual router will update > the ICANN backend infrastructure regarding > it This is not gonna work for P2P botnets. *** I must have missed other flaws, the e-mail is insanely tough to read (possibly intentionally). Anyhow, RIPE is *not* the place for such proposals. IETF secdispatch is (Gosh may Kathleen and Roman forgive me): secdispatch at -- Töma
- Previous message (by thread): [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs
- Next message (by thread): [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs
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