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[members-discuss] Sign-up fee for additional LIR account
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Arjan van der Oest
Arjan.vanderOest at
Mon Jul 25 11:10:27 CEST 2016
> On 21 Jul 2016, at 18:08, Ping IP < at> wrote: > > A recent change has been made in the Billing and Fee Schedule 2016 , regarding the following sentence: "Members are charged a one-time sign-up fee of EUR 2,000 (two thousand euro) for each new LIR account." > > I'd like to discuss why an existing LIR member has to pay the sign-up fee again? As a new small LIR I'm paying a high price for a /22 IPv4. I think it's disproportionately to charge the sign-up fee again from an existing LIR member who is requesting an additional LIR account. The per LIR fee and the rule you can not transfer resources away from it in the first 24 months has been designed with a purpose: to make sure we do conserve the last bit of IPv4 resources we have. Removing those limitations (ie: making additional LIR accounts significantly cheaper and/or free) removes the purpose: why not just give resources to anyone who wants them (based on the old rules: if you can prove you need it, you can get it). We might as well close a deal with Proctor & Gamble to give away the final resources with some washing powder. -- Met vriendelijke groet, Arjan van der Oest Lead Mobile Engineer Voiceworks BV - Oplagestraat 1 - 1321 NK Almere Mobile : +31 6 8686 0000 Office : +31 36 7606656 GPG key on Key fingerprint = C58F 55CA C62A 5A49 15E0 2271 3481 6020 997E EE99
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