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[members-discuss] [ncc-announce] [GM] Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2016
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Nigel Titley
nigel at
Sat Mar 28 19:28:00 CET 2015
Folks Just to say that we are indeed listening, if not saying much. My experience is that is is better to let the heat go out of an argument rather than wading in in the middle. But I would very gently remind folk that the board did present a charging scheme back in 2012, which took into account an ASN charge and which the membership voted down. Nigel On 28/03/15 12:46, Fahad AlShirawi wrote: > Gert, > > In this whole discussion the board hasn't said a single word. They are listening to try and determine what's the way forward. It surprises me that you would outright attack them like this? As someone who chose to step down from that same exact board, I find the accusation that they aren't trying to do what the membership wants, and where aligned, what the community wants, a little hurtful. My experience is that the board has never ignored. >
- Previous message (by thread): [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] [GM] Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2016
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