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[members-discuss] Surprise on renew fees
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James Blessing
jblessing at
Wed Dec 14 11:32:47 CET 2011
On 14/12/2011 09:27, Manfred F. Schramm wrote: > You can tend to the opinion 'once claimed always claimed', no new monetary assessment. > You can also tend to the opinion 'each loaned IP-Range is to be regarded equally, whether newly assigned or assigned years ago'. > > What i can understand is some members 'feeling', the elder members did some 'protection of establishment'. The proposed (and counter proposed) fee structures for 2012 did try and address this by taking out the time limitations but the membership (or at least those that voted) did not believe that the final proposed fee structure was acceptable and therefore the 2011 one was re-used. The NCC board (I believe) have taken these views on board and are looking to propose a new structure for 2013 that addresses this issue, tries to tie membership fees to 'size' more accurately and also provides a fully costed breakdown of the individual elements in the activity plan for 2013. They will also have to take into account the tax implications of changing the charging structure. The membership will have plenty of time to read and respond to these documents when published and vote on them next year. If you have strong views or wish to publish your own ideas for a charging scheme I'm sure the NCC board (and the rest of the membership) will be willing to discuss them (or tear them to pieces as the mood dictates). J -- James Blessing +44 7989 039 476 Strategic Relations Manager, EMEA Limelight Networks
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