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[members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010
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Heidrich Attila
HeidrichA at
Thu Jun 18 16:22:07 CEST 2009
I really like this conversation!! I myself also have some questions, some are the same than yours, but I hope I know some answers as well - but these are y answers, and of course they are far far away from being official, just my reading! I guess that 50EUR per year would be charged to the LIR (if the end user is not in contractual relationship with RIPE - which is I think the case in this context!) But what is the moment in time when the LIR is elected to pay this fee? The end-user can change the LIR during the year - can not he? Anyway - this will costs some for the end user as well, but that fee will be charged by the contracted LIR. What happens to the LIRs with quarterly and yearly fee schedule? Should there be any difference? I guess no... 50EUR per end user, or per database entry, (providing that I hit the bulls eye with the one year period), orper transaction? What happens to the assignments which are assigned and deleted within the same billing period? I consider the not-aging PI resources logical... although the billing procedure and the cost estimation will be much more difficult. Maybe two bills would be better, or at least two lines on the bill, one for the yearly fee, and another for the currently introduced per-entry fees - or a complete detailed bill which enumerates all the unique assignments. Heidrich Attila vezető fejlesztőmérnök Invitel Zrt. 6724 Szeged, Rókusi krt. 2-10. iroda: +36 62 777574 fax: +36 62 471122 mobil: +36 20 9357792 SAVE PAPER - Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary -----Original Message----- From: members-discuss-admin at [mailto:members-discuss-admin at] On Behalf Of Paul Civati Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:36 PM To: members-discuss at Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010 Some observations on the announcement.. If RIPE are going to put out an announcement that will end up creating a lot of discussion it would be helpful to provide more clarity rather than just create confusion. Aside, as a whole these changes to administration of PI space have been confusing and difficult to follow, IMO. 1. 50 EUR per what time period? 2. It's not clear if this is the LIR fee or end user fee? 3. If the charging score is only going to be based on PA space then some re-jigging of the numbers might be in order. For example, as a SMALL LIR with some PI and AS for customers we'll will still be classed as SMALL if we have both the smallest of both a single v4 assignment and a v6 assignment. My point here is that as soon as a new LIR takes some v6 PA space it's going to cost them more money to jump up from EXTRA SMALL to SMALL. What motivation here is there for new members to start looking at v6 straight away? It gives additional cost for doing v6 but there may not be a business case for a small provider. At least when PI and AS also contributed there was some direct attached cost relevant to the business associated with customer revenues on those PI/AS objects. Regards, -Paul- -- Paul Civati <paul(at)> 0870 321 2855 Rack Sense Ltd - Managed Service Provider - -------------- Ezen uzenet kizarolag a cimzettjenek szol es olyan bizalmas jellegu informaciokat tartalmazhat, amelyek feltarasat jogszabaly vagy szerzodes tiltja. Amennyiben a jelen uzenetet On teves kezbesites folytan kapta, kerjuk haladektalanul ertesitsen bennunket es az uzenetet annak csatolmanyaival egyutt torolje. Amennyiben On nem cimzettje a jelen uzenetnek, annak es mellekleteinek elolvasasa, masolasa, tovabbitasa, vagy barmely celbol torteno felhasznalasa szigoruan tilos. Megjegyezzuk, hogy az e-mail utjan torteno kozlesek nem garantaljak az elkuldott uzenetek bizalmas jellegenek es teljessegenek megorzeset, valamint az uzenetek megfelelo kezbesiteset. A fentieken tulmenoen, a Hungarian Telephone and Cable Corp., annak kapcsolt vallalkozasai, illetve az altaluk megbizott harmadik felek a jelen e-mail cimrol kuldott, vagy arra erkezo barmely uzenetet ellenorizhetnek, lemasolhatnak, felhasznalhatnak vagy harmadik fel reszere tovabbithatnak. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain confidential information protected from disclosure by law or contract. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify us and delete it together with its attachments. If you are not an addressee of this message, reading, copying, distribution or use for any purpose of the contents of this message or its attachments is strictly forbidden. Additionally, please note that communication by email guarantees neither the confidentiality nor the completeness or proper receipt of the messages sent. Furthermore, Hungarian Telephone and Cable Corp., its affiliates and third parties retained by them may monitor, copy, use or forward to third parties any outgoing messages from and incoming messages to this email address
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