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[members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010
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Сулава Сергей
s.sulava at
Thu Jun 18 13:56:08 CEST 2009
Hi All! There's no such document in RIPE database. But I suppose Natalya is speaking about this: "[Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear Colleagues, The RIPE NCC is currently formulating the Draft Charging Scheme 2010. The Draft Charging Scheme 2010 will take into account the requirements of policy proposal 2007-01, "Direct Internet Resource Assignments to End Users from the RIPE NCC", and the discussions that took place at the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2009 regarding the 2010 Charging Scheme. The main features of the Draft Charging Scheme 2010 will be: - As in previous years, there will be five membership categories - Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large - The 2010 fee for each membership category will be the same as for 2009 - An algorithm will determine a score that decides what category a member belongs to - The score will be based on Provider Aggregatable (PA) IPv4 and PA IPv6 allocated over time - Direct assignments will have a recurring charge per assignment and the fee will be EUR 50 per direct assignment The RIPE NCC will publish the Draft Charging Scheme 2010 at the beginning of July 2009. The RIPE NCC Executive Board will then monitor discussion and input from the RIPE NCC membership before publishing a final version of the Draft Charging Scheme 2010 by 9 September 2009. The RIPE NCC membership will vote on this version at the RIPE NCC General Meeting on 7 October 2009. The RIPE NCC notes that this proposal for the Draft Charging Scheme 2010 is subject to change based on advice from the RIPE NCC's lawyers on tax and legal issues. Membership discussion of the Draft Charging Scheme 2010 proposal can take place at <members-discuss at>. Best regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC" Kind Regards Sergey Sulava -----Original Message----- From: members-discuss-admin at [mailto:members-discuss-admin at] On Behalf Of Hostmaster Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:22 PM To: Natalya Petrova; members-discuss at Subject: RE: [members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010 Privyet Natalya Where is this document? I cant see it on RIPE? Mark -----Original Message----- From: members-discuss-admin at [mailto:members-discuss-admin at] On Behalf Of Natalya Petrova Sent: 18 June 2009 11:29 To: members-discuss at Subject: [members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010 RegID: kz.kazaktelecom Good morning, dear colleagues! Thanks for your message. I have read on a site the information be relative Charging Scheme 2010. There are some questions for me. I ask the help in the explanatory. Questions: 1) " - Direct assignments will have a recurring charge per assignment and the fee will be EUR 50 per direct assignment" - It mentions only PI? or PA? or PI+PA? 2) "fee will be EUR 50 per direct assignment" - It every month a payment? or every quarter? or for a year? 3) "fee will be EUR 50 per direct assignment" - It is payment for what quantity of addresses (50EUR= ? IPs)? 4) " - Direct assignments will have a recurring charge per assignment and the fee will be EUR 50 per direct assignment" - Operates for all direct assignments? or Only new direct assignments (included after 3 May, 2009)? I shall be very grateful for explanatories. Thanks for the help and understanding. Yours faithfully, Natalya *Disclaimer:* This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited. *Ограничения:* Данное сообщение (включая любые вложения) может содержать конфиденциальную информацию и быть предназначенным исключительно для личности или организации, которой оно адресовано. Если Вы не являетесь надлежащим адресатом, то настоящим Вы уведомлены, что любое раскрытие, копирование, распространение или использование содержания этого сообщения строго запрещено.
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