IPv6 policy and Supernational-LIRs
Kurt Erik Lindqvist KPNQwest kurtis at kpnqwest.net
Wed May 29 09:46:41 CEST 2002
Now that we have the new IPv6 policy in place, and we have try and start using it, I have a small problem. We have been allocated a IPv6 block for the Supernational-LIR. However, the actual LIR consits of several ASes, each present at it's own IX and with it's own routing policy. To me, a Supernational-LIR consists of several sub-LIRs. My problem is that RIPE will only allocate on /35 block to us, saying that is the allocation for our LIR. This means that we will end up having to break that block into smaller announcements, one per each sub-LIR. Could someone elaborate on the thinking behind this policy. To me it would routingwise make more sense to allocate a block per sub-LIR. Best regards, - kurtis -
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