Status and appologies from the Chair
Hans Petter Holen hph at
Sat Jan 12 01:11:46 CET 2002
Dear lir-wg, Just to give you all a brief update on my whereabouts: The ICANN Address Council this week had its first phone conference his year, with the newly elected members on participating. The Secretariat has been transferred from the RIPE NCC where Mirjam and others have done an excellent job organizing the practical details for our work, to ARIN who will serve as ASO secretariat this year. After two years as chair of ICANNs address Council I was happy to pass the work on to Barbara Rosseman who was nominated and elected as chair for the upcoming year. I volunteered and was elected to serve as one of two vice chairs. Minutes from the AC meetings can be found at For the upcoming RIPE meeting I will due to work commitments at Tiscali Norway unfortunately not be able to participate in the lir-wg meeting. James Aldridge, whom you elected as one of two co-chairs, has kindly stepped in, and will be chairing the meeting. I may still be able to attend at the end of the week. If not, I wish you all a constructive and interesting meeting! Best Regards, Hans Petter Holen
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