[lir-wg] Acceptable use policy ?
Hans Petter Holen hpholen at tiscali.no
Thu Dec 12 22:37:00 CET 2002
Dear lir-wg, as a discussion point for the next working group meeting, and perhaps as a desicion to be made by the RIPE plenary, if there is a feeling that a change is needed. Up until recently I have been of the opinion that the lir-wg list should be open. I realise this is somewhat naive as I personally clearly don't want to see spam on this list. Currently there is an AUP on http://www.ripe.net/ripe/about/maillists.html All working group mailing lists are open for subscribing. Postings are accepted only from subscribed members, but the lists may only be used for purposes covered by the charter of each RIPE Working Group. Unsolicited Bulk E-mail ("spam") is never acceptable. The RIPE NCC will, at its own discretion, remove addresses likely to lead to misuse of any list or lists, and may take further action against individuals and service providers involved. The question then is: is this wording acceptable ? Do we need a more detailed charter like ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3005.txt What should the procedures be to handle a breach to this policy ? Personally I do not see my role as chair of the lir-wg as editor of the content of this list, but recently there was an expectation that the chair should call act on such a matter. Opinions from the WG ? -hph
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