IPv6 assignments to DNS root servers in the RIPE region
Joao Luis Silva Damas joao at ripe.net
Mon Apr 22 14:41:54 CEST 2002
Dear all, below find a proposal for a policy enabling the assignment of blocks of IPv6 addresses to Internet DNS root servers in the RIPE region. I would like to use the opportunity to request from the chairman of the LIR WG to include this point for discussion in the WG meeting next week. Of course, discussion in the mailing list is welcome. Best regards, Joao Damas RIPE NCC **************** This proposal requests the adoption of a special IPv6 assignment policy for Internet DNS root servers. It does not apply to any other infrastructure. Specifically, this is not a request for a generic "special infrastructure" IPv6 assignment policy. --- IPv6 address assignments to Internet DNS root servers in the RIPE region Internet DNS root servers are particularly critical elements of the Internet's infrastructure. They need to be operated in a neutral and professional manner which will not impose any artificial or unnecessary barriers for access to their designated services. DNS resolvers and resolving name servers need to be pre-configured with the network addresses of the root name servers. This makes these addresses special and not easy to change. Hence this special policy. Under this policy, each (current or future) Internet DNS root server (as listed in the root-servers.net zone) in the RIPE region will be assigned a block of IPv6 address space for purposes of root server operations. The size of the block shall be the same as the size of the minimum allocation to LIRs valid at the time of the root server assignment. The assigned prefix is only for root server operations and support functions related directly to the operations, such as monitoring, statistics, etc., and is bound to the root server service itself. It is not associated with the organization/s that operate the root server at a particular point in time and these organizations should not use the address space to provide any services not related to the root server. Should the operational responsibility for a DNS root server move to a new organization, the IPv6 address space associated with the server will also move to the new organization. The old and the new organizations must update the registration information with the RIPE NCC. If the new location of the root name server is outside the RIPE region, the address space must be returned to the RIPE NCC and a new assignment must be requested from the appropriate RIR. If a root server stops operating within the RIPE region, the address space will be returned to the RIPE NCC and marked as "reserved" for a suitably long period of time. *******************
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