AW for infrastructure
David R Huberman huberman at
Thu Sep 27 19:18:58 CEST 2001
> The issue you raise about Assignment Windows for organisations that > only assign to their own infrastructure has been raised in the past in > the lir-wg. As you point out, this does not only affect Enterprise > LIRs but any LIR that makes assignments to its own infrastructure > (cable providers are an example of this). We have discussed this issue > together with the lir-wg chair (Hans Petter Holen) and we are looking > to find a solution that would meet this need. I believe this will be > discussed at the upcoming RIPE 40 meeting. It was my understanding that the RIPE NCC was tasked at RIPE-39 with preparing and posting a policy proposal for the incorporation of AWs for infrastructure assignments. Can we please see this proposal? This issue has been discussed at every RIPE meeting over the past year. To my recollection, there has never been any vocal dissent by the LIR-WG constituency over this issue. /david *--------------------------------* | Global Crossing API | | Manager, Global IP Addressing | | (703) 627-5800 | | huberman at | *--------------------------------*
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