IP assignment for virtual webhosting
henning.brauer at bsmail.de henning.brauer at bsmail.de
Thu May 11 13:46:17 CEST 2000
it's not random. For simple static websites it's about 10-20%. What seems to be not counted is the data sent from the browser to the server, so if you have bigger interactive systems where lots of data ist entered or uploaded by our visitors, the difference is really high. I could do some checks to give you exact data; we did so long ago and decided that there is no good way to do an not-ip-based Accounting. We now have our own Database driven accounting & billing system which would be really complicated if i had to read out all the webserver logs. It would be very cool to have a traffic counter as part of apache (=>module) which stores the traffic on a by-named-host basis. Then Life would be much easier and we would need less IP-Space... (anyone here who has the time and knowledge to write such a module? =;-)))))) ------------------------------------------------ BS Web Services Roedingsmarkt 14 20459 Hamburg Germany info at bsmail.de www.bsws.de fon: +49 40 3750357-0 fax: +49 40 3750357-5 PLEASE USE EMAIL WHERE POSSIBLE Dave Wilson <dave.wilson@ To: lir-wg at ripe.net heanet.ie> cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: IP assignment for virtual webhosting owner-lir-wg@ ripe.net 11.05.00 12:51 Henning, > (the traffic counted via access logs is << real traffic ) Can you expand on this? Is the difference between counted and real traffic random, or a roughly equal (or proportional) overhead for each server? Is the difference so significant that one cannot take it into account as part of the charging structure? Regards, Dave -- dave.wilson at heanet.ie --------------------------------------- +353-1-662-3412 It is one thing to pray; it is another to pray to entities who might not only be listening, but who will search you out on the road and beat you across the head with sticks if you say something that offends them. -- Neil Gaiman ------------------ For crypto key send a blank message to davew+pgp at heanet.ie
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