We cannot really stop anyone from becoming a LIR... -- RIPE
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet woeber at cc.univie.ac.at
Wed May 10 16:26:20 CEST 2000
>Certainly the only place I ever see an LIR name used is in the 'X-NCC-RegID' >header, which I'm sure isn't seen by customers. How are similar LIR names >going to confuse the general public when they never see them? ...and even there, the individual tags are qualified by the ISO3166 country codes. I'd be *really* surprised if the NCC would have allocated the same name twice for the *same* country?! -WW _________________________________:_____________________________________ Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber at CC.UniVie.ac.at UniVie Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : RIPE-DB: WW144, PGP keyID 0xF0ACB369 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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