Deletion of German domains
Stephen Burley stephenb at
Wed Jun 28 11:23:23 CEST 2000
Hi Since i started this move to get the top level country domains removed from the RIPE DB i would just like to clarify the process that was used to get to the announcement the other day. RIPE 33 was the first time this issue was raised the minute i found for does not reflect the discussion that was entered into correctly: Regarding input from the other working groups. We have started to think about issues such as: where do we store data and who is responsible for the maintenance of data and who might be in the position for providing branding/rubber stamping/certificates for certain data. In particular DNS objects as being the majority of objects. Wilfried stated that we really have to start thinking about how to deal with that. RIPE 34 Operational difficulties around domain objects. Need decision on migration of domain objects -- CENTR to respond urgently. Specification input deferred until migration path decided. RIPE 35 This was minuted but not detailed it was discussed but i seem to remember the ASO thing taking hte limelight. 6. Report from the address council 7. The policy making process 8. Establish final selection procedure for the address council 9. Domain objects in the database 10. AOB RIPE 36 No minutes published yet but i do remember de.nic telling us that they would be ready to move the domains by a certain day which i can not remember. During the DB working group i suggested that a time limit to move the rest of the nic objects out be introduced and concensus was agreed that when we migrate to RPSL DB these domains would no longer be supported. I do not know if this will help i just though a brief history might help show just how long this has been in discussion and help in some way to stop this what seems to be trivial discussions over something that is not really a problem. Hope this helps Regards Stephen Burley UUNET EMEA Hostmaster
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