LIR.34.6 Define final Address council selection procedure
Hans Petter Holen hph at
Tue Jan 25 22:49:03 CET 2000
To set of this discussion let me propose the following procedure: - Anyone may nominate anyone within the restrictions of the MOU - Each nomination, after acceptance, should seek support from at least 3 other persons. - Everybody subscribed to ripe-ac-voting may vote (Initialy everybody subscribed to any RIPE list will be invited to subscribe to this list) Each individual may give n votes where n = c * (1 + (10 * r) + p) where c is the number of candidates to be eleced in this particular election (normaly 1) and r is the number of ripe meetings the person has atteded and p is the number of contributions to a well defined set of the ripe mailig lists - The vote will be open for at least two weeks, and until more than 50 % of the subscribers to the list have voted. - The result of the vote will be made publicly available and individual votes may be challenged for a period of two weeks (ie the person who as given the vote must identify himself to the community) This process should, with some further refinement, satisfy the requirements of ICANN and the ASO MoU to be open and transparent. With hopes for a lively discussion, Yours the chair.
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