Registration Services discussion
Barbara Roseman barbara at
Mon Apr 17 08:27:31 CEST 2000
Axel, Thank you for the response to the current discussion. I do think several important issues have been raised in this discussion that need further exploration. In particular, I think it would be very productive if the NCC could prepare a report for the Budapest meeting regarding the distribution of IP requests that must receive approval from Registration Services. It would be extremely helpful in evaluating any proposed changes to procedure to know what percentage of requests requiring approval are in the /28 or longer assignment window. I believe there is an impression that these requests for 8 or fewer IPs are taking up a disproportionate amount of the limited resources available. Hard statistics would go a long way towards affirming or disproving that impression. Given how long the current request queue is, and how many of us rely on this service until our assignment window increases, I think disclosure of how the workload is distributed across cidr designations would be appropriate. ---- Barbara Roseman IP Addressing Engineer Global Crossing 408-543-4711 barbara at
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