RIPE Hostmasters visiting LIRs
Amar amar at
Thu Sep 16 17:20:08 CEST 1999
Sam Critchley wrote: > Do other LIRs feel that this could be beneficial to everyone in the RIPE > community? What do RIPE NCC staff themselves think about it? What kind of > restraints do people feel should be placed upon any such scheme? How > should it be organised? Should it be discussed at a meeting? > > Looking forward to any comments on the lir-wg mailing-list, I think this is a extremly good idea. At the moment there has come a wast number of new LIR:s within the RIPE area. This suggestion should include both old LIR:s as the new one. It would benefit the way we work within the membership and build up a better understanding how everyone work as a LIR and as company/organization wich goal is to satisfy it's customers in the best possible way. I suggest that this should be a point on a upcoming meeting. >From there we should be able to create the way this should be done. Regards /Amar Andersson Telia Net
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