Tracking stealth portscan/pepsi attacks
Berislav Todorovic BERI at
Fri Sep 3 18:21:00 CEST 1999
>> How do you manage large BGP customers with lots of networks? One idea is to generate access lists automatically from the data in the route registry. However, that may have some significant drawbacks. First, there are many inconsistences between the IRR and reality, so some connectivity problems may arise. Aside of that, the amount of access lists might affect router perfomance. Regards, Beri .-------. | --+-- | Berislav Todorovic, B.Sc.E.E. | E-mail: BERI at | /|\ Hostmaster of the YU TLD | |-(-+-)-| School of Electrical Engineering | Phone: (+381-11) 3221-419 | \|/ Bulevar Revolucije 73 | 3218-350 | --+-- | 11000 Belgrade SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA | Fax: (+381-11) 3248-681 `-------' --------------------------------------------------------------------
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